Saskatoon games?

So my question is... are there any home games in s toon, i know the casino, i know the dealers games(shhh, don't tell anyone) but my question is are there any other games... c'mon dave hook me up.... and if there isn't any games, is there enough players in this city to start a small private club? after moving from winnipeg, where the games are endless i am getting bored... if you are interested in a club ... let me know


  • I too play at the Saskatoon casino on Wednesdays nights (just started a couple of months ago) and like yourself would love to find other games in town including the hush hush games with the dealers. If anyone has information on this please email me at would be forever grateful.
    Thanks Nathan :wink:
  • I have the game already, but due to noise complaints that game isn't happening anymore...... everyonce and a while we have a game at someones house, but i am seriously looking into opening a small club in the basement of a house....what kind of stakes do you play? Let me know if you are interested.... i should have it all opened up within about a month. Let me know, there prop. will be a small rake to cover the running costs but we will prob. supply some food and beverages.
    How does that sound?
  • I'd be interested in joining a private club, or starting one with a few other people. THis is a long time after you posted, but I'll cross my fingers
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