West Side Poker Club Had a Great Day on Lake Ontario

Thanks to all those who came out today for our inaugural Poker Cruise, It was a great day and a lot of fun. I will post all the details tomorrow for everyone who was interested in our event.

Thanks Again!

Brent & Cam


  • Thanks again to everyone who came out yesterday.  My head is a lot clearer this morning.  The weather was beautiful.  There wasn’t a lot of wind and it got a little hot and stuffy in the cabin.  The food was great and lots for everyone.

    We had 51 players in total.  Each player starting with 5000 chips with 30 minutes blinds until the last hour.  The goal of the tournament was to have it end as we were pulling back into the dock.  And that is exactly what happened.

    Here is the final table:

    9th  Danielle W. on the bubble – custom chip set
    8th  Gina F – 200.00
    7th  Quy – 250.00
    6th  Carrie – 320.00
    5th  Jeff S - 425.00
       4th Mark M – 625.00
       3rd  Dan L – 800.00
    2nd  Salar M – 1100.00
    1st  Blair H – 2000.00 cash + 400.00 ring plus entry into the tournament of champions

    I want to give a special thanks to Tyson, Graham, Trevor and Cameron for dealing all the side games.  I really appreciated it.  Your help will not go unnoticed.  Thanks to Shopsy for keeping track of the final table once he was put out.  It made things a little easier for me as we were getting ready to dock while I finished up the side games.

    I trust everyone had a good time and will be interested in doing something like this again next year.

    If you haven’t signed up for our September 17th tournament, you will need to do so soon, we are at the half way point. 
  • Hey i came in 6th not 7th :P..hehe great tourney i enjoyed myself and hope everyone that came enjoy themselves too . thanks again
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