Hey all, New member here. Was wondering if anyone has played at or heard of the poker club "The Unit" in Toronto. Any information would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.
sorry, haven't played there or heard personal accounts from other players, but if they fire up an Omaha game on Saturdays I may just have to go check it out
Hey, I've played there before...It's been 6 months or so since I've been-mostly cause it's abit too far from Mississauga. They are in the Yorkdale mall area. They only had 1 table and then it started getting busier, so it opened to 2 tables...Not sure if it's in the same location, same game, etc. They offered only 1-2 NL Texas Hold Em when I was there. Good place to play though.
I have played there numerous times and the guys (owners) know me quite well. The game now is mostly 2-5 NLHE (min buy in is $100, max $400 or $500) It's a good game. Decent dealers, well run, snacks and hostess who works on tips. The action moves fairly well and the players seem to have a lot of 'fun' playing. While the fun sometimes bring ethics into question if you speak out the dealer/house will put a stop to it right away.
I would recommend it there if that is the game you like (2-5 NL)
Tell em, I sent you or If you want me to introduce you to the game personally I can do so. pm me if interested.
Email me for more info.
I would recommend it there if that is the game you like (2-5 NL)
Tell em, I sent you or If you want me to introduce you to the game personally I can do so. pm me if interested.