On Tilt?

Hey Everyone...
Just looking for some advice..i'm a decent player, but lately i just can't seem to get the cards to go my way..translating into losing...translating in to me playing badly....losing confidance, cards aren't going my way...etc....
As you can see it's a brutal cycle.
My question is this...does anyone have any advice on what to do when you go through a dry spell and start (and continue) losing?


  • Did i post in the wrong section?!
  • Quiane wrote:
    Hey Everyone...
    Just looking for some advice..i'm a decent player, but lately i just can't seem to get the cards to go my way..translating into losing...translating in to me playing badly....losing confidance, cards aren't going my way...etc....
    As you can see it's a brutal cycle. 
    My question is this...does anyone have any advice on what to do when you go through a dry spell and start (and continue)  losing?

    downswings are something that every player will suffer throughout their poker career. the best and only advice is to always play your best because if you are a winning player, sooner or later the law of averages is going to do its job and send a nice upswing your way. if you feel emotionally unstable or frustrated when playing, its usually a good idea to take a break and come back to it. if your lacking confidence, dropping down in limits is usually a good idea to take the "financial burden" off your play as well giving you an oppurtunity to beat up on some passive opponents.

    just remember...theres probably someone out there, way better then either you or me, that has run bad for a much longer period of time and for a greater amount of big bets.
  • As above, when I am 'running badly' - I take a break. Whether it is a minute, an week or longer... I need to get that bad funk out of my head. Playing in a mood where all you can think of is "Oh great, here comes the infamous (insert online site or live casino name here) river to **** me out of the pot" is not good for your game or your mental health. I like to take break and once I can honestly not have the negativity in my mind. I can play again.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys!
    Looks like it's time for a break!
  • The advice I always offer is, keep track of EVERYTHING. If you are a long term winning player, it is very comforting.

    Here is my graph for LAST week.


    After weeks like this you feel like you can't play, you have more leaks than a 72 Harley Flathead, and you should take the rest of your life away from poker.

    But... here is my graph since the beginning of August.


    When the bad streaks hit, look at the BIG picture. It is very comforting. Or, as Bob Jarrett of Team Canuck said to me "I like to look at my Tax Returns." (He is a pro).
  • if you go really big picture...its one nice big smooth line trending upwards...that makes me feel even better.
  • OK... longer term...

  • That's a great idea..i've been keeping track of winners/standings at my home games for a while...what kind of software did you use to make that graph? Just excel (or some similar microsoft program?)?
    And is that strictly winning games or is it charted money etc?
    Thanks again!
  • I use StatKing. Available at www.Conjelco.com

    I record every win or loss no matter how large or small. Vertical is money won/lost. Horizontal is time.
  • Forget Nortel.

    I'm putting my money into the DSX.

  • Is Statking just for ring games or can you get the stats for tournaments and SnG's also?

  • NO great for tournaments.

    You enter "Game Played" and you can create an unlimited number.

    Time played in 1/4 hours.

    Money won lost.

    So, unless you give it some careful thought, it's hard to parse "% in money" and that sort of thing for tournament play.
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