Last and Latest News for the Cruise this Sunday provided by West Side Poker Club

I just got back from a meeting with the owner of the Harlequin Cruises and their boat known as The River Gambler.  Here is the agenda for the day  Sunday August 28th 2005.

Players will start to board the boat and, pay 150.00, at 11:30 am on Sunday August 28 2005.  During that time hors d’oeuvres will be provide upon boarding.  The rules and table seating assignments will take place and the tournament will start at 12:00 pm sharp.   Each player will start with 5000 chips.  Players will be allowed to leave the table at any time.  There will be a 10-minute break at the 2-hour mark.  At the 4-hour mark we will take a 45 break for a mouth-watering buffet (if you are a vegetarian let me know ASAP). Play will then resume at 4:50 pm. At 6:30 pm an array of decadent desserts and fresh fruit will be available.  We will not break per say, players will just eat at their leisure.  We have between 40 and 50 people as I write this email.  I am taking names up until 6:30 pm Friday August 26.  Then the registration will be closed.

120.00 from each entry will go in the prize pool.  If we hit 50 players, the top eight will be paid.  According to the cruise line we will only have 5 spares not on the list I fax in to the office Friday night at 6:30 pm.

The question has come up about guests.  Non-tournament players may come at 40.00 per person. They must be registered prior to the closing date and their names fax in to the cruise line. Our cash game will be available only to those who participate in the tournament.

Any questions email me at


  • Who from the forum is going?
  • My girlfriend and I are most likely going.
  • me and 3 freinds are going for sure its going to be awsome i wonder what the prize pool is going to be like
  • Sorry guys there is no way I can come. I have tried and one of my clients as it is wanted me to work on saturday which I have a tourney. I was able to put off the saturday however friday and sunday become complete no goes for anything
  • I really want to go.
    Any girls so far on the list?

    Any reason in particular for guests not being allowed to play the cash games?
  • yes, there are several girls coming.

    Prophet 22
  • Cecilia wrote:
    I really want to go.
    Any girls so far on the list?

    Any reason in particular for guests not being allowed to play the cash games?

    Good question

    it is only fair to the players who paid to make the tournament possible that we allow them to play in the cash game. The tournament is the first priorty.

    Hope this doesn't discourage you from coming out.

    Prophet 22
  • Chugs wrote:
    Who from the forum is going?

    There are several form members coming and who attend our events regularly

    Prophet 22
  • You have about 4 hours left if you want to sign up for this great event!

    Prophet 22
  • I am going to my baseball game. Anyone who has emailed me at will be added to the list. Thanks to all who registered, it is going to be a great day.

  • What is the total cost?
    I thought it was $250?
    Can anyone send me directions
    I had a change of plans and may be able to attend :D
  • Just want to take the time thank everyone who took time to read about our poker. We set sail in just about 15 hours. The weather forecast says mostly sunny, so hopefully that means easy smooth sailing. Will let you know how it all turned out on Monday. As well as breaking news about our Poker League and our up coming fall schedule.

    Brent & Cam

    Prophet 22 & Blazin72
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