question re--bet at final table

I am relatively new to final table play ina mtt, son here is a question I need help with. I was 2nd at the table of 6 players--on the button. Player to the right is all in his 1395. I bet after the flop. 2 players to my left has 4530 . he is 5th seat. he folded and was 5th after 1395 lost.
Question-Should I have just checked?What How does my bet protect his pssition? End game seems to be weakness 4 me-any suggestions
I ended up 1st----last 5 won a seat.


  • Not enough information.

    Things to think about:

    1) What is your table image?
    2) What is the overall table image?
    3) What kind of players are your opponents?
    4) What was the agressiveness of the game like?
    5) What are the blinds?
  • Also, the very basics are even missing.

    6) What are your hole cards?
    7) What was the flop?

    My spidey sense tells me something like: the original poster was berated for making a dry side pot flop bet with multiple players in playing in a 5 seat satellite tournament with 6 players remaining.

    If I made a good read of the situation, then betting the flop would be questionable if you had a good hand, and very bad if you had a medium or poor hand.

  • What scotty said.

    With 1 out of 6 players all in and 5 getting seats how could it help you to scare another player out of the hand? You want the best chance possible of putting someone out so you can get your seat. When would 1 opponent against an all in be better than 2??? Maybe he's chasing a flush or straight. Or even a 2-outer. Let him chase!

    Only case I can see is if you think the all-in guy can beat you but you want to try to put the other guy all-in as well. Only if you have a near monster would you want to try this manoeuvre at home.
  • I'll take a shot...
    I was 2nd at the table of 6 players--on the button.

    Good chip position. On the button.
    Player to the right is all in his 1395. I bet after the flop. 2 players to my left has 4530.

    It looks to me like a player on your right moved-in pre-flop and you called and the BB called. Then, on the flop, the BB checked, you bet, and he folded leaving you heads up against the all-in player?

    If this is right, you were "betting at a dry pot." What this means is that you CANNOT win this pot by bluffing. There is an all-in player that you MUST beat in a showdown to win. Also, there is no side-pot so there is nothing to win there by bluffing your opponent out of the pot.

    Is it every OK to bet at a dry pot? Yes, of course. If you believe that you have the best hand and you do not want the other live players to get a free draw, there is nothing wrong with betting.

    The other thing that SEEMS to be the case here is that there are 6 players left and 5 get seats. If that is the case then you should probably NEVER bet the one remaining player out of the pot since the thing you REALLY want is for the all-in player to go broke. If he goes broke, you all win a seat.
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