Bristol St. Classic XVIII - Wed. Aug 24th @ 7pm (Waterloo)

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Wednesday, Aug 24th - 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

$10 Buy-in - 32 player max
(with two $10 rebuys in the first four levels if you fall below 250 500 chips, no add-on)

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 45%
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 15%
4th place - 10%
5th place - 5%

(If we get less than 20 players, we'll use a 50/25/15/10 split.)

Each player will receive 1000 2500 chips for their $10 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

During the first four levels of the tourney you may 'rebuy' into the tourney (pay another $10 and receive another 1000 2500 chips) if you fall to 250 500 chips or less. You must rebuy as soon as you bust out and rejoin the tournament. Rebuys are only allowed up til the end of the first break. You may do this a maximum of two times.

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (20 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

Waiting List players: If a player busts out and choose not to rebuy, or runs out of rebuys, the first player on the waiting list has the option of buy-in into his seat with a full compliment of rebuys. If the first player chooses not to do this or is absent, the option goes to the second player on the list, etc. Players on the waiting list who don't get to play will have an automatic reservation for the next Bristol Street Classic Event.

The tournament will last approximately 5-6 hours. Seating is limited to 32 players. (8 max tables) Please reserve your seat in advance!!

Blind schedule, chip values, rules, etc, etc, will be posted at my place, or you may msg me for specifics.

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserves:

    1. "Zithal" Rob L
    2. "8Ball" Tye Z.
    3. "Shopsy" Jeff S.
    4. "folded" Cory
    5. "Pinhead" Brad
    6. "diddy" Paul S.
    7. "Dirty Whore" Mark B.
    8. Johnnie H.
    9. Wraychel
    10. "King Mob" Dave
    11. Tom N.
    12. "Brava" Dave S.
    13. "Slippery" Pete A.
    14. "Wolfhound" Dave W.
    15. "Bluffy" Jeff B.
    16. "Redington" Tyson J.
    17. "Oragami" Jonathan C.
    18. "beanie42" Trevor
    19. "Ineedanick" Dave
    20. "g2" Greg T.
    21. "devil" Dave S.
    22. "Ionstorm" Ian H.
    23. "Fallen Angel" Gow
    24. "ItsaMe" Mario
    25. George I.
    27. Mandy
    28. Nicole
    29. Jay
    30. "Quadro" Jay
    31. "Quadro+1" Ben L.
    32. Larry L.
  • Player of the Year Standings:
  • Sign me up, please.
  • Me too please.

  • I've added a post in the general section for a blind schedule I'm considering. Please have a read and let me know what you think...
  • Rob can you sign me up for this.

    Ian H.
  • Here we go.

    Hey Rob, if there's room, Would love to play! Is there a spot for a friend as well?

  • Sorry to do this Rob, but can you revoke the +1? No friend, just me for tomorrow night. Thanks!
  • Holy crap 5:30 and almost ful.l :D:D

    Put me down for a seat.
  • Rob,
    Could you please add George I.
  • Rob if you can add me I would appreicate it.

    Prophet 22
  • Hello,

    Sign me up(2BULLETS), and Mandy, Nichole, and Jay.


  • Would like to register for me (Jay) +1 (Ben L.).

    Sent you a PM. Thanks.

    - Jay
  • To try something different, we're going to try the blind schedule outlined in the link above. Any feedback after the tournament on how it went will be greatly appreciated.

    Once I get into work and check my email there, i'll update the reserve list (as I need to co-ordinate people that send me confirmation's there.) Look for the list to be updated tomorrow by noon!!
  • Good day Zithal
    I'd like to join you guys tonight if you have a spot left. This will be my first time to this location. I'll need the address and confirmation before 3pm today. Take care. Thanks. Larry L.
  • Everything's now up to date and we have one spot open.
  • Zithal wrote:
    To try something different, we're going to try the blind schedule outlined in the link above.  Any feedback after the tournament on how it went will be greatly appreciated.
    If we are using the new blind schedule with 2500 chips, what is the rebuy requirement - 625 or something else?
  • I'll pick 500 chips or less 'cause it's a nice round number.

    Also, noticed that the first chip up happens at the second break (not the first!) and that the first break is only 10 minutes long. Also, during the chip up at the second break, even though we're only chipping out 25's, please arrange them in groups of "500". (ie. If you have 13 green chips left, use 12 of those and 2 black chips to create a pile of "500")

    During both breaks, we'll also chip up large piles by request.

    The starting chip count is...

    12 green(25) chips = 300
    12 black(100) chips = 1200
    2 purple(500) chips = 1000

    TOTAL 24 chips = 2500

    Each table will have a cup of chips for re-buys. Re-buys will be 1 purple(500) + 2 yellow(1000). I'm going to keep the 2 re-buy limit.

    (And if the new blind schedule sucks, I'll apologize ahead of time!)
  • Rob

    I may be 5-10 min late, please just blind me out as I will be there 100%.

  • Hey Rob,

    Any chance I can slide into spot number six there?


    Paul S.
  • Done! We've also just had one more cancellation, so there is one spot free. I'll be off the site until the tournament begins, so if you need me, please phone.
  • Wow, for some reason when I read this post I thought it was next Wednesday.

    Sorry about that, hopefully someone shows up to fill the spot.

    I can't believe I did that, I really would have wanted to play tonight too.

    Sorry again Rob.
  • Good game, Rob. Thanks Again.

  • Again Rob,

    Thanks for hosting always a classy event.

    Congratulations to Beanie on his first Bristol Title! Great Job.
  • Hey Rob, congrats on another great tourney, the antes etc seemed to work out pretty well, I'm interested in finding out what time it wrapped up.

    Congrats Trevor on your win.

  • While I work on the offical results a big congrats to "beanie42" Trevor on his first tournament win!! Another congrats will go out to "Redington" who I believe will take over 1st place on the points list after the results are tabulated. The other top finishers were...

    2nd : "Redington" Tyson
    3rd: "Shopsy"
    4th: "Fallen Angel"
    5th "8Ball Tye
    6th "Larry L." (bubble-boy)

    The tournament ended at 12:20 which was a big improvement over last time, though I think the results were skewed, because there was a triple all-in which lead to heads-up. Trevor held a MASSIVE chip-lead over Tyson and the match lasted only one more hand.

    If you played with the antes last night, please head over the ante thread in the General section and offer you comments. Did it work? Did it suck? Should we try it again? If so, would you make any changes?


  • Hey Rob,

    Thanks for hosting yet another great tournament!

  • Zithal wrote:
    While I work on the offical results a big congrats to "beanie42" Trevor on his first tournament win!! Another congrats will go out to "Redington" who I believe will take over 1st place on the points list after the results are tabulated. The other top finishers were...

    2nd : "Redington" Tyson
    3rd: "Shopsy"
    4th: "Fallen Angel"
    5th "8Ball Tye
    6th "Larry L." (bubble-boy)

    The tournament ended at 12:20 which was a big improvement over last time, though I think the results were skewed, because there was a triple all-in which lead to heads-up. Trevor held a MASSIVE chip-lead over Tyson and the match lasted only one more hand.

    If you played with the antes last night, please head over the ante thread in the General section and offer you comments. Did it work? Did it suck? Should we try it again? If so, would you make any changes?



    Hey I think it was Gow in Third "Fallen Angel" and Jeff " Shopsy" was 4th

    Really they had odds to call :)
  • It was fun playing with everybody last night, and thanks for a great time Rob. I'm just happy to have finally won, since my pattern is usually going out close to the bubble (either side :) ). It's such a chronic pattern, that when I got home, I wasn't asked if I won, I was asked if I placed.

    I'm sure Rob will be posting the 3-way all-in with his report, but I think my most critical hand was against FallenAngel with 6 players left. When we had come to the final table, Gow had around 26K (I think chip lead) and I had 22K (2nd?, but again not sure). There had only been some minor changes in our stacks since then, and I believe the blinds were 600-1200 (200). I was in the SB with A4o, and Gow was UTG. He made it 4500 to go, everyone folded, I called, BB folded. Flop came down 2 3 K rainbow. I checked, Gow bet 8000, and I quickly called. I was thinking he had either A-x (better than me), or middle pair, and if I could catch a 5 (since his ace beat mine if he had one) I'd double up. Turn came J, I checked, Gow checked. River was a 10, killing me. Either his ace beat me or his pair beat me, I had over half my chips in, and he had me covered. Finally, I moved all-in for another 11K. Gow thought for what seemed like forever, and finally folded, giving me a big pot and a smoke break (since my hands were shaking a bit to bad to play :) ). I showed just the ace, and Gow immediately asked "what was your kicker", and when I said the 4, nobody believed me, so I showed it too. :)

    Fun night - looking forward to the next one!
  • Redington wrote:
    Hey I think it was Gow in Third "Fallen Angel" and Jeff " Shopsy" was 4th
    I think you're right.
    Redington wrote:
    Really they had odds to call :)
    Ya, but I'm sure you didn't mind jumping 2 spots as a spectator :)
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