Violent Times

So here's a touchy subject...... why do you think violence and gun play is up in Canada. I live in Toronto and the shootings have started to get ridiculous. I think Hip hop(ganster rap) has finally come to bite us in the ass. A fashion thats become a way a life for ignorant people who don't know fact from fiction. It is no different than in the eighties when stupid people did stupid things because thay thought thier Metal albulm told them to.

This is just my opinion, and I'm courious what others think.


  • I don't believe that the music industry is the cause at all. It's more a matter of lack of oppurtunity for those trapped in the circumstance. Low wages, little or no job oppurtunity, legal system failures, school system failures...all contribute. Mostly though, these lead to illegal oppurtunties to be opened up, like drug dealing and gun smuggling, which gangs find considerable profit in providing. And because there is a market for these items, they profit big time. Since there is big money to be made in it, other gangs compete for it, and this is result...people shooting people everyday in the big city. And unfortunately, innocent law abiding people are being hurt, killed, and frightened because of it.

    I wish I knew the answer. More cops would be nice, but creating more oppurtunity would be good as well. Still, I think that most of these punks just need a good beating and knock some common sense into their thick skulls.
  • I think Hip hop(ganster rap) has finally come to bite us in the ass.

    LOL. People have acted stupid long before music.
  • Blaming it on music is a pretty easy way to let people off the hook...I'd say it's society.
  • Blaming it on music is a pretty easy way to let people off the hook...I'd say it's society.

    I didn't do it :D
  • SocietyRed wrote:
    Blaming it on music is a pretty easy way to let people off the hook...I'd say it's society.

    I didn't do it :D

    Please welcome the "I Didn't Do It" Dancers...(for all you Simpson's fans out there).
  • I do believe that music is a factor but you can't blame music all together. I think its a combination of everything....alcohol/drugs, finances, relationships, environment, media, etc, etc.....its up to the individual how to handle these situations. but music is a can hype you up or give ideas...influence is the word. thats why music sells in the first place...influence!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    It's more a matter of lack of oppurtunity for those trapped in the circumstance. Low wages, little or no job oppurtunity, legal system failures, school system failures...all contribute.

    i totally agree. i think youve hit the nail on the head. without good education its very hard to jump from class to class.. and unfortunately in most of the world good education still requires money. of course, without this education a violent/bitter/jaded culture enters the vacuum, teaching these kids values of--as the OP stated--fiction, not of reality.

    music is a contributor, but music seems to be a symptom of the larger diseases of poverty and peoples inability to escape it through 'legitimate' means
  • G-G-G-G-UNIT!!!! :D

    I am just playin...

    While some may choose to point the finger at the media and others place blame on parents and society, why isn't anyone holding these punk kids accountable for their actions??? We live in a country where we cannot properly disipline out children, we cannot teach them anything, they are protected by the useless Young Offenders Act.

    BEAT YOUR CHILDREN!!!! Teach them right from wrong, I did dumb stuff as a kid all the time, but the licks I got taught me not do even think about doing anything bad again.

    The BET-ism and wannabe thugism needs to stop. The urban community then wants to get bent when a City Councilor decides to start racially profiling after its proven that these communities are pushing for this type of action.

    uhhh ... I am sure I have a lot more to rant about, but I am at work and I should look busy.

  • I strongly believe that society in general is to blame. Here are a few of the problems as I see it.
    1. Capitalism. The rich keep getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. There is no longer a middle class.
    2. Media & Advertising. We are bombarded with very shallow messages & they prey on our insecurities.
    3. Music & any movies have an R-rating anymore? Hip-Hop glorifying the gangsta lifestyle...I cannot tell one video from the next...hmmm....lets take this so & so artist and have them & their posse hanging around wearing basketball shirts. Lets get some fancy cars and have some bitches dancing in front of the cars shaking their fat booties for the cameras. Great video!
    4. Video Games...glorifying violence.
    5. Parents...when I was a kid my parents would of kicked my ass if I mouthed off to a teacher, or stole something from a neighbor. Many parents nowadays say "There's no way my Johnny could have done this or that. That's Johnny's perfect!" Parents are way too soft on their kids these days. Kids need parenting. We should not be smoking pot and drinking with our kids and their friends.
    6. Us. Individuals refuse to acknowledge any responsibility for their actions. We as a society have become obsessed with obtaining wealth & beauty. We have no problem with crushing the will and spirit of others in order to satisfy our own perverted needs. Just look at what we have done to our own planet.
  • Shook wrote:
    While some may choose to point the finger at the media and others place blame on parents and society, why isn't anyone holding these punk kids accountable for their actions???  We live in a country where we cannot properly disipline out children, we cannot teach them anything, they are protected by the useless Young Offenders Act. 

    Just for future rants.. you should probably know that the Young Offenders Act hasn't been in use for more than 2 years now... it's now the Youth Criminal Justice act, and is significantly different.

  • Youth Criminal ... Young Offender ... That doesn't matter with the point I am illustrating.

    We need to PRINT THE NAMES of these HOODS and notify the community, and bring shame to their friends and family.

    People hide behind crappy laws and false ideas of political injustices.

    I agree the disappearance of the middle class does bring about crimes of desparation, but daylight shootout and park shootings are not indicators of socioeconomic problems.

    I am only 24, so I am not that far removed from the younger generation, but I feel that they simply have no worries and they are simply weak minds who give in to images they see on TV.

    BUT I DO NOT BLAME THE MEDIA. Cartoons in my days were far more violent and I never attempted to kill anyone.

    Just my two cents....
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