Simple Free Software Utility for Viewing Hand Histories in Real Time

Hi all, not sure if there's a better way to do this, but I wanted to be able to view the Hand History a little easier, so I was looking for a utility similar to the Unix utility called "tail". What tail does is it allows you to view the scrolling lines of a growing text file in real time.

So I found wintail and baretail. This works for Windows and has some extra bells and whistles. For example I highlighted any lines with the word "mucked" in a different color so it shows me (and I can spot easily) from the Hand History what players mucked (if available)

Download the newer version called "baretail" from here.

Once in a game, just run baretail and Open the Hand History file for your running game and you'll be able to watch the hand history as you play.

Not sure if this helps anyone, but it might come in useful, unless there is a better utility for this kind of thing?

I also hope this isn't breaking any rules for the poker software usage?



  • I like to see my hand histories in a more "visual" format. Like this

    If anyone has any hands that would like to re-live in animation like this one, let me know. I've made a template and it is easy to make your biggest pot come to life again.

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