Any games this week in KW?

Anybody hosting a game this week (Rob?)?

I'm on vacation and would host if I could, but can't.

Just wondering.


  • Actually, I was planning on it, but then realized that I already had a commitment on Wednesday night. Look for Bristol Street XVIII to be next Wednesday, but I'll send out the official invite later this week. (ie. I won't be keeping track of reserves until I post.

    This week is a little crazy for me, but next week my schedule opens up a lot.
  • My bankroll is being saved for next week's Bristol. However, if anyone is interested in just playing some cards tonight (no "official" buy-in, although side-deals are welcome :) ), I don't mind having some people over tonight. If anyone is interested, just LMK, and we'll see if there's enough "cheapies" like me!
  • I'm possiably an idiot..but are these bristol games in guelph, KW...?
  • Bristol is in K-W.

    With no response, a few of us are going to proceed with our plan to play at the Score.  Anybody interested, just show up at the Score Server 3, and/or drop a message here so we know who to look for.  For the first game, wait for SnG 28 (10-player) - probably 8-10 min to register.
  • Another game - Server 3, SnG 46, if anyone's interested
  • Quiane wrote:
    I'm possiably an idiot..but are these bristol games in guelph, KW...?

  • Fun playing with ya Johnnie.  Interesting that we had 5 people at the table who seemed to know how to play, and the rest weren;t total idiots, it felt surprisingly like ... a real poker game.  No all-ins in first 2 levels, never seen that before.

    Unfortunately, I'm 2nd of 3 left, made the full house on the river ... and got booted from the server, having my hand folded (with 80% of my chips in).  Sucks that the most enjoyable game I've played on there site ended due to a dumb glitch by there stupid software.  Do I sound like I'm tilting a little...  :rage:  I know, play money, etc - still ticked.
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