Dry Spell

Just wondering what everyone tends to do when you're going through a "dry spell". I was consistently turning around 3-4BB/100 hands for the past couple of weeks, and the past few days I've ended my sessions (usually 3-4 hours) down anywhere between breaking even to $40-50. Just wondering what you guys would do when you're going through these type of time.

Is it that I've overplayed lately and should take a day or two to relax before playing again? Or should I use that day or two to study my play style? Should I keep playing to break out of the "slump"?

I understand there will always be winners and losers in poker, and I'm just going through a regular cycle of ups and downs. Just trying to figure out how everyone deals with the downs to minimize their losses. Thanks.


  • Depending on what limits your playing, dont sweat the $40-50 losses...if you keep playing your going to go through some nasty downswings.  30-50 big bet downswings over a session are common.  After a while, you wont even notice them.  As long as I feel like im playing my best poker, ill keep playing.

    As an aside, in March, for the first time in 2 years, I hit a 300+BB downswing...500BB over 40,000 hands...and in that month, I played more hands then I ever have.  I still havent decided whether my increased play help me play through the downswing or whether it contributed to it...
  • If I have a few losing sessions in a row I run, not walk, away from poker and clear my head. Read a book, play some Xbox for a few days. *gasp* spend some quality time with the family *end gasp*

    Just chill out and come back in a few days feeling refreshed.

    I have in the past had a huge problem of trying to win back my losses immediatley. Take a few days realize a few losses is no big deal and come back better than ever.
  • I move down one limit. And, I look hard at my game to see if leaks have crept in. Usually, the dry spell is my own fault.
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