Brampton Game Wed Aug 10

Still have a couple of seats left for my home game on Wednesday night in Brampton. Game time 7:30pm, ususally get 2 games in. Same format as usual; $20buyin freezeout tourney style. Let me know if you're interested in playing.


  • I'm bringing a friend.
  • Great. See you tonight. Have I already given you directions and phone number??? Can't remember. Must be getting old.
  • Tilt, GTA Poke, guys in for tonight (Wednesday)? Please reconfirm either way. Thanks.
  • might make it for the second game depending what time i get off work! Thanks!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Tonight's game is shaping up nicely. Tilt, if you can make it for the second game, great.
  • I might be able to make it out tonight as well, I'll call you when I get home.
  • Be great if you can make it Dorez. And if you can come tonight, bring my set of cards with you, and I will pay you when you get there. Thanks.

  • GG's with everyone tonight. The Great Wall Of Jack falls TWICE!

    OMG most insane all in first hand ever. 99 vs QQ vs AK.

    AJ; don't forget to send me the contact info for the players when you get a chance.
  • It was a great night all around. And I finally took some $$ out of my home game...first time ever!!! Still, busting out on 99 vs QQ vs AK WAS hard to swallow in the second game. When I get a chance to list all the contacts together, I will forward them to you all.

    Dorez, thanks for the cards. Beautiful!! If you played with them yet, they're a great investment.

    Thanks to everyone who came out last night. A good time had by all I'm sure. Remember, I'm having another game on Friday this week, and you're invited to join in.

  • It sure was a great game!
    You can count me in for next week, tomorrow I'm going to my friend's house to play. Have fun guys!!!

    Pegasus Kid please PM me and we will exchange contact info.

    Stoneskn you should show up next time, even if you are not going to play. AJ's place is 2 min. away from where you live.

    See you all next week,
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