
Guelph Poker NL Saturday August 6 @ 7:00



  • still waiting on conformation on tonites game...at 7..pm././..i think this is ow this works......let me know
  • Main Event day has arrived and we are anxiously awaiting the start of the a great night of poker. We currently have 29 registered players but will continue to take registrations just in case we have some no shows. Please advise me as soon as possible if you are on the list and can't make it. We have had a lot of interest and want to ensure that we have at least 3 full tables for this last major event of the year.

    Estimated Run Time about 7- 8 hours

    Some preliminary information:

    Blind schedule as follows: Starting Chips of 10,000 Blind Levels Every 25 Minutes
    One timer in which I control will be used. At the end of any level all tables will complete that level (timer will stop) Once all tables are completed. Then next level will be announced and dealing will commence.

    Blind Schedule
    Level Blind
    1 25 - 50
    2 50-100
    3 75-150 Break After Round
    4 100-200
    5 200-400
    6 300-600
    7 500-1000 Break After Round
    8 700-1400
    9 1000-2000
    10 1500-3000
    11 2000-4000 Break After Round
    12 3000-6000
    13 4000-8000
    14 5000-10000
    15 7000-14000
    Capped 16 10000-20000

    Payout structure: Does not include the Bounties that will be won throughout the evening by different players.

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Total
    10 $100 $60 $40 $200.00
    11 $115 $65 $40 $220.00
    12 $120 $75 $45 $240.00
    13 $120 $75 $45 $20 $260.00
    14 $130 $80 $50 $20 $280.00
    15 $140 $90 $50 $20 $300.00
    16 $145 $95 $55 $25 $320.00
    17 $150 $100 $60 $30 $340.00
    18 $150 $100 $60 $30 $20 $360.00
    19 $160 $100 $65 $35 $20 $380.00
    20 $170 $105 $65 $40 $20 $400.00
    21 $175 $110 $70 $40 $25 $420.00
    22 $180 $115 $75 $45 $25 $440.00
    23 $190 $120 $75 $45 $30 $460.00
    24 $195 $125 $80 $50 $30 $480.00
    25 $200 $125 $85 $55 $35 $500.00
    26 $200 $135 $90 $60 $35 $520.00
    27 $200 $135 $90 $60 $35 $20 $540.00
    28 $200 $140 $95 $65 $40 $20 $560.00
    29 $210 $140 $100 $70 $40 $20 $580.00
    30 $220 $150 $100 $70 $40 $20 $600.00

    on the pokerforum.

    Standard NL rules apply. Dealer is responsible for the table during their deal.
    Players should announce their intentions before acting. Money set out in front of them with no announcement will ALWAYS be considered a CALL.
    Once announcing a Raise please announce the amount and break out your chips to have the CALLING AMOUNT and RAISING AMOUNT in two stacks. Once a raise amount has been called the chips are in action.

    Common raise announcements

    Raise to an amount total
    ie Raise to 1000 total. = Meaning the total of all bets previous and current will be 1000

    Raise an amount.
    ie Raise 1000 = Meaning the player is raising 1000 above and beyond the bets on the table.

    All raised bets must be equal to the amount previously bet.

    Please try to act as quick as possible. Any player that is constantly "wasting time" can have a clock called on them that will allow them 15 seconds to act. The dealer will be responsible to count down/up 1 mississippi and if the 15th second is announced the players hand is mucked.

    Please note this is meant to be a fun night of poker but there will be a nice pot to play for and we do not want a technicality costing anyone a pot or prize money. If a problem can not be resolved by the table then I will have final say in the matter if need be. ( Let's hope that doesn't have to happen). Once eliminated come and tell me as I will be keeping a list of players and elimination times as well I will be able to pay out your bounties if needed. Railbirds are more then welcome to stay and watch but do not comment on the games in hand or egg players into action. If any player has a complaint you will be unable to continue "birding a round"

    Players will be moved to keep all tables as equal as possible. Once we hit 20 players we breakdown to 2 tables and the same will occur at 10 for the final table.

    Tournament will start at 7:00 SHARP and late arrivals will be blinded in for the first level only. After the first level all no shows will be removed from the table.

    Let's make this a fun night with a nice prize pool.
    For all that know me or don't this night is RAKE FREE.

    Side games/tourney can be setup when a table has broken down as long as poker supplies are available and the table owners are fine with it. Once the Main Event has finished all side cash games will have a couple minutes to finish. Any side tournaments will be assessed based on where they stand. Please let me know when you are considering to start a side tourney as I may not want a new one to start based on time of night.

    Again Thank you to all the people bringing various supplies and have a great night.

    Thanks again to Brad for the Bubble prize.

  • Hey Punky,
    My buddy cannot make it tonight (Tim #2). I will be there for sure. Thanks in advance for organizing - this sounds awesome.
  • For all those that I might have asked to bring chips/cards we will not need them as we are okay for supplies. Brad please bring the chips I PMed you about. Also whoever mention they had chairs please bring them if you can. IF driving here please park in the church. Parking in front of my next door neighbour tends to have the parking authority show up. OH NEIGHBOURS!!!
  • Sorry, but I have to pull out of this tourney. I have to go to TO tonight and I won't be around the tourney. I was really looking forward to it too. I apologize for the late notice. Good luck to all and whatever you do... FEAR THE MARIO CARD!!!!

  • sorry man, johnny, steve, brian, and kevin wont be able to make it man.

  • Well a bit better then the no show from last tournament.
  • If any spots left, let me know (soon), and add me in.
  • I had a big bad beat ... but someone probably has the same story, so I won't bore you all. :)

    I had a great time, and enjoyed meeting some of the Guelph players I hadn't yet met. Punky - thanks for hosting and running a great show.
  • Hat's off to PUNKYMISHA tons of fun :D can't wait till you start holding them again, I got the 1st out prize this time! Free entry to watch the table for 2 hours :P j/k

    Was alot of fun and some crazy hands/calls!
  • The Main Event was pretty fun and if I wasnt so out of it I might even make a comment or two.


    Gummy won the Main Event

    and yes the addicts convinced me to run another small one and well Super Mario took it down

    Congrats all and good night.
  • Sorry bout cracking those A's beanie!
    It was good to put some faces to names....

    Thanks for hosting PUNKYMISHA, it was a good time!
  • Sorry bout cracking those A's beanie!
    It was good to put some faces to names....
    Don't be sorry, that's poker - just make the same call the next few times :). I hope you spent my chips well, and finished high!
  • lol, I guess I put them to pretty good use, finished 2nd to gummy...

    Flush board, put him on top pair...
    I hit low pair, with flush draw on turn and raised over top of him,
    he pushed me all-in...though he might be drawing too....so I called.
    He flips flush and I'm drawing dead...great hand!
  • was hoping u could post final table--i'd like to see who's on there game
  • Money winners

    1. Gummy
    3. Shopsy
    4. Frank
    5. MIRMIR
  • Congrats on the win Gummy - and nice comeback Shopsy (I'll take some credit - since I was first to double you up :) ).
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