new poker website

Hey guys,

i just wanted to let you guys know about a new poker website that has just been launched. It's loaded with poker news, poker school, player profiles, a message board, and everything else you can think of. It just started so take a look. Here is the link

UPDATE: for those of you that have read the post, what were your thoughts on the website. It is brand new and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


UPDATE: Hey guys just wondering if you guys have checked out lately, we are giving away a set of poker chips on the message board and there will be other great prizes to be won. come check it out, the community is growing. thanks.


  • What type of software did you use to make your site? Did you make it or get someone to make it for you?

  • Nice looking site pal!!

  • Very nice and professional looking site - good job!  

    Only question/criticism is why you have "Search Engines" and "Directories" listed at the bottom?  That's really nit-picking though, and doesn't change the fact that the site looks great!
  • thanks for your responses guys, was there anything on the site that you guys think might be missing or what would make it better for the viewer. We are gonna start up a lot of stuff on the boards and things so hopefully you guys will keep checkin us out.
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