Physiology of superior poker player

I just read an interesting article today about top athletes. In the case of various examples cited, they are all genetic freaks of some kind.

(1) Lance Armstrong -- his heart is 20% larger than average, he produces 1/3 less lactic acid (the stuff that makes your muscles hurt after exercise), and he delivers oxygen to his legs more efficiently than any human ever measured.

(2) Michael Phelps (Australian swimmer) has size 14 feet. And, when he is lying flat on his back with his legs stretched out he can still get his toes to the floor.

(3) Mia Hamm (moment of pulchritude appreciation) sweats a lot less than average giving her remarkable stamina.

(3) Andy Roddick's back arches WAY further than most resulting in the fastest serve ever recorded (256 KPH).

So... what genetic anomalies would a superior poker player possess?

I agree with my math and poker friend Brian Alspach: "He would have two bladders." Other than that, focus and concentration? These seem common to all sports, though. Acute hearing? I don't know... I am going to give this some thought.


  • Hey Dave - very interesting info. I teach a course called "Exercise Science" at the High School level and would have to get my hands on a copy of this article. Do you know where I might find it?


  • (3) Mia Hamm (moment of pulchritude appreciation) sweats a lot less than average giving her remarkable stamina.

    Thanks for this Dave. It was a nice diversion and I also got to learn a little something, being forced to look up a new word in the dictionary:

    Main Entry: 1ham
    Pronunciation: 'ham
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English hamme, from Old English hamm; akin to Old High German hamma ham, Greek knEmE shinbone, Old Irish cnáim bone
    1 a : the hollow of the knee b : a buttock with its associated thigh -- usually used in plural
    2 : a cut of meat consisting of a thigh; especially : one from a hog
    3 [short for hamfatter, from "The Ham-fat Man," minstrel song] a : a showy performer; especially : an actor performing in an exaggerated theatrical style b : a licensed operator of an amateur radio station
    4 : a cushion used especially by tailors for pressing curved areas of garments

  • So... what genetic anomalies would a superior poker player possess?

    The inability (or a limited ability) to produce adrenaline would be an asset to a poker player I think.

  • I think a poker player would value from a very comfy bum.

    On a serious note, I think a top poker player may have an inherent ability to control their heart rate. Just be incredibly laid back no matter what happens. Although, I think this has already been proven false.
  • teach wrote:
    Hey Dave - very interesting info.  I teach a course called "Exercise Science" at the High School level and would have to get my hands on a copy of this article.  Do you know where I might find it?



    This article can be found in todays (July 26th) Globe and Mail. As Dave said, it is an interesting read
  • Aside: I learned the word "pulchritude" in Latin Class many years ago. The very day I learned it I watched an episode of The Flintstones and Fred Flintstone used the word. It gave me a whole new appreciation for the Flintstones.

    Now... go tell your wife/girlfriend she is resplendant with pulchritude.
  • A highly adapted ability to influence the automatic functions of their body through the exertion of will and mind.

    Or if that fails, alligator blood coarsing through their veins.
  • Before Scotty and Dave go to deep into the dictionairy dicktionary dictionary, I'll throw out a couple thoughts.

    1)Tilt Factor (anger management).......I think that tilt effects everyone differently. Someone that is short fused might tend to go on tilt easier than someone that can control their temper. So maybe it would be something like your ability to control your emotions.  

    2)EXTREME awareness of surroundings (attentiveness)......Think about Phil Ivey (eyes wide open sucking in all the info he can), any time you see him he is "in the zone". Now think about Mike Matusow (the joker) laughing it up with the crowd and joking around. Now I know Mike Matusow is a great player and some might argue that he is simply getting into the heads of his opponents......but I think he is simply show boating. I guess my point is that they are both great players but Ivey is better than Matusow.

    3)A great memory (recollection)........Being gable to recite hands and the way the where played earlier that night or earlier that year would be a great benefit.

  • Ah so it's fitness through genetics? I thought I was scratching at something...
  • Thanks Jay - for the source!
  • supposedly lots of players are taking those alertness drugs. Kinda like crystal meth.

    Paul phillips openly talks about it on his site.
  • A large padded ass for all of the sitting required. Gotta be comfortable in those seats.
  • Now... go tell your wife she is resplendant with pulchritude.

    I did and she punched me!

    Then we looked it up:

    That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness.

    she punched me again?
  • harthgosh wrote:
    supposedly lots of players are taking those alertness drugs.  Kinda like crystal meth.

    Paul phillips openly talks about it on his site.

    paul phillips talks about taking drugs that are prescribed FOR HIM to help him with a disorder HE HAS, these drugs also help him with his poker game, but they are prescribed to him for a reason. He's not just taking prescription drugs to help his poker game.
  • (2) Michael Phelps (Australian swimmer) has size 14 feet. And, when he is lying flat on his back with his legs stretched out he can still get his toes to the floor.

    Ok, that's just plain freaky.
    So... what genetic anomalies would a superior poker player possess?

    A very large bum hole poop chute anus. Case in point, Gus Hanson. A poker player with an extremly large bum hole poop chute anus. How else do you explain the cards that this man hits other than having the ability to jam multiple horse shoes up said bum hole poop chute anus?

    The abilty to withstand discomfort. Imagine a player sitting at a table and happening to mention that he just put in a fresh catheter. (I'll wait a moment until everyone stops crossing their legs and going "ohhhh mannnn") Someone like this is dangerous at the table. You get to a point where you may start to consider that a table image of someone that soils their underpants is not so bad meanwhile you have Mr. Legbag smiling as he orders yet another bladder buster slurpy from the well endowed waitress.
  • harthgosh wrote:
    supposedly lots of players are taking those alertness drugs.  Kinda like crystal meth.

    Paul phillips openly talks about it on his site.

    Somehow I don't think taking E, Acid or Crystal would allow you to sit in a sit very long... YOu'd be wide awake but Very skittish.
  • ya the drugs they take are not those ones, but prescription ones. I forgot the names but i have a bunch of friends that use them. Same shit russia gave their troops in chechyna.
  • After a couple of days I think that I will go with "Endurance Concentration." Looks at lots of the top players, that are not what you would call "fit." So, it's not physical endurance, it's the ability to focus and stay focussed over LONG periods of time.

    Doyle plays as well in hour 11 as he does in hour 2. There may be a physiological component to that.

    Is this useful? Sort of. The question becomes, "How can I stay focussed for hours at a time?" Since I am not willing to deploy drugs, this will require some more thought and work.
  • Doyle plays as well in hour 11 as he does in hour 2. There may be a physiological component to that.

    Have you seen the man lately? As well as being one of the "older" players he also doesn't move a whole helluva lot.

    It's like the tortise and the hare. You have some guys moving around, back and forth, up and down, talking, etc. Doyle remains calm, moves his eyes here and there but isn't moving his body very much.
  • "How can I stay focussed for hours at a time?"

     How can a 7x year old man keep focused this long? Well there has to be a huge level of self disipline obviously. The hunger to be the want this so bad nothing is going to get in your way.
     Maybe you have to ask yourself "why am I playing". On your web site you talk about how "Team Canuck Poker" wants to make sure that the game stays "fun" at the table and away from the table. I totaly agree with this but when it comes down to the grind "fun" is the last thing on my mind at the table. You also talk about being semi-pro............jump in, we need a "Pro" in this forum. I personally think that you are a pro but for some reason holding onto the semi-pro status. I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe its a subconcious mind set. If your having trouble staying focused in any major event I think that its something deeper (for some reason you don't want to stay focused). Maybe if you entered a tourney and had the mind set of "I'm a Pro and I'm going to destroy this game", or "I have to stay focused because I'm a Pro and I'm not going to make any stupid mistakes" might help. For me it's a bit easier because I hunger to get to your level and my focus tends to stay with me.

    Just a thought
  • I call myself a semi-pro because I make A LOT more money from non-poker activities.

    And, you are right, but I know that I am unable ot accomplish it. The skill I have tried to work on is knowing when the A game is there and when it's not. When it's not, don't do anything tricky or difficult. I have not, however, mastered this yet as evidenced by my bust out at this year's WSOP.
  • My first post after WSOP.  It's been a while, but I had to respond to this one.

    I would think that unusually large testicles is what works best!  I'm thinking grapefruit size. 

    Ok, ok.  I think being able to produce and manage huge amounts of adrenaline is a huge advantage.  In the few times I was in a life threatening situation, I got a huge jolt of adrenaline and time slowed to a crawl.  I had the ability to process so many alternatives in milleseconds (felt like I could also read a book) and came up with my preferred choice -- luckily it was the correct choice in each situation.  It's unreal how this huge jolt of adrenaline works.  It also keeps you alert after playing for many hours.

    I noticed that same adrenaline "feel" when I've won major tournaments -- my entries into WSOP and playing there as well.  It's amazing what I noticed and how much information I could process. 

    So, that's my vote.  I just wish I could give myself that jolt for every tournament I play!

  • The skill I have tried to work on is knowing when the A game is there and when it's not.

       As far as knowing when you have your A game that has to go by feel. I don't think anybody can turn on/off their A game. I consider it similar to a game of fastball. Your playing shortstop and you catch your first hard grounder of the day, a few bats later and you snag another one, after the third one you know that NOTHING is getting through you. In poker you start off with a calling a guy down with pocket 6's, a few hand s later you make a beautifull bluff, and then you suck a guy in for all his chips with the nuts. Now your at your A game. But one little mistake........lets say the guy called you on the bluff (one of those ones where you say "nice call" but are really thinking how the hell can he even think about calling me with that) and bang you start to get worried about how your playing.
    When it's not, don't do anything tricky or difficult.
       If your playing and you know that your A game is not with you.......maybe try this out. First off you will need the range of starting hands and positions when you go into turtle mode. Then you have to make a promise to yourself that you are not going to play any other hands until your A game comes back. If 66 in mp is your lowest pp in your starting hands.......55 must be mucked. Now the main ingredient......if you stray from your starting hands, before you throw your chips in you must stand up and yell "PRAISE THE LORD" or something embarrassing (you can tailor this a little). I know this sounds ridiculous.......well because it is, but it will work. If your having that much trouble changing gears maybe try it out.

    This will probably only work in live games.
    Actually....if you are at home and your wife is their you could stand up and yell something like "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE NEIGHBOR". I guarantee you will play only your list of starting hands then.

  • I agree with my math and poker friend Brian Alspach: "He would have two bladders."

    How could I have forgotten about this one. BLADDER CONTROL! Case in point, Phil Ivy. Don't recall the game/series details but you could see that he was pressing towards the end. He finally won the game and bolted off stage. They were ready to congratulate Phil and present him with his $250,000 but they couldn't find him.

    He ran to the bathroom. His bladder was ready to pop.
  • You guys are missing a pretty obvious choice here...

    Bell's Palsy!!!

    There no way anyone's getting a read on you.. EVER!!!!!
  • Mostly it only effects one side of your face. Hope you've got Phil Ivey facing the right direction.
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