poker teacher

Dave or anyone of the greatly knowledgable players on this forum,

I feel like I've hit a rut in my game. I've done plenty of reading that it's come to the point where the words are becoming repetitive. I play a lot and I find I have tuned my play so much I know what I'm going to do before it's my turn to act. I like to believe I'm a above average player in the "just for fun" category.
My question is where does a above average player turn to improve their game? Do we look for a pro, semi-pro to teach and look for errors in our game? I'm not looking for a "play as much as possible" answer. Even though this is just for fun I enjoy being the best or achieving the role of best, so I'm about ready to do what ever I can to get there.
By the way just I've been playing achieving for about 8 years and other forms of poker about 5 years.


  • I'm not looking for a "play as much as possible" answer.
    I enjoy being the best or achieving the role of best, so I'm about ready to do what ever I can to get there.

    You can't do one without the other.

    If you don't play, you ain't gonna get better.
    this is just for fun

    Sounds to me like you really don't know WHY you play poker. You play for fun, but want to be the best. You want to improve but you don't want to play a lot... Very contradictory ideas and it sounds to me like you are lying to yourself.

    You either care ALOT and want to win, which means it isn't for fun.

    Or it's just fun and you can never improve.
  • Sorry, I must not of been clear......

    I'm not looking for "play as much as possible" as an answer. Does not mean I don't want to work on my game and play alot. Like I said I've been playing for 8 years and in the past 2 years between 4-6 times a week.
    I've fallen into a rut in my "play as much as possible" games. I play the same style all the time, tight against loose and poor players, aggressive against tight players and change speeds when necessary.
    Now, I'm looking for a way to improve my game where books can't help, like my body language, giving off tells, picking up tells, figuring out others as well as myself. I need help from someone who can watch my play. That's where getting a teacher comes into play.
    Secondly, you can defiantly have fun playing poker and still try to be the best you can at it. If I didn't learn or try to become better at this game I would lose interest and the game wouldn't be fun anymore.
  • I kind of know what you mean. I would like a poker mentor who would do more than just laugh at me when I lose all of my money to them :D
    Reading is great, playing is fun, but outside evaluation is something that I am missing.
  • While it can be expensive, play with guys at least as good as you, and preferably better than you, and quiz them afterwards. I've learned more losing to some of these players and picking there brains after than all the books I've read. Plus, you can get it "fresh" after you've both been through the play. Just try and time your conversations for breaks or after the games, cuz I've noticed some players are annoyed if you "overanalyze" hands during a game
  • The thing that helped me more than anything is finding a kindred spirit. Ralph Team Canuck Mair and I have lunch once a week. We talk A LOT about poker. We think about poker more than that. We try out our theories on each other. And, we frequently play together -- both at the local casino and on road trips.

    Not so much a teacher as someone that is on the journey with you.

    Hard to find though.
  • thanks all for the advice,

    so here it is......

    Single male looking for a poker buddy with above average poker play to play games with and possible road trips. Someone with the same interest in making there game the best they can. If interested in a new friendship and hopefully a learning experience PM me, we'll hook up and play some poker.
  • Single male

    Just kidding. Good luck.
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