This Friday July 22 in Brampton

Sorry for the short notice. I've sent out a few emails to the regulars, just if I missed anyone, decided to post and see what happens.

Usual game, $20buyin, SNG, NLHE, blinds increasing every 20mins. Usually get 2 or 3 games in during the night.

Post a response here, or send me a message and I will get back to you ASAP.



  • how many peeps in so far?
  • Not many, but I will give it until Thursday night for those who want in. Looking for about 8 or 10 in total, still room left. Anything less than 4, not my particular kind of game, so I would have to really consider holding it or not. let me know for sure by Thursday night.
  • Bump :d:
  • where and what time in brampton??? how many players so far?
  • Sent you an email, Tilt. Respong when you can. Thanks.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Sorry for the short notice. I've sent out a few emails to the regulars, just if I missed anyone, decided to post and see what happens.

    Usual game, $20buyin, SNG, NLHE, blinds increasing every 20mins. Usually get 2 or 3 games in during the night.

    Post a response here, or send me a message and I will get back to you ASAP.

    I'm in. please send me required info to get to your location. Thanks!
  • King, just sent you an email. Looks like we have a game developing after all. So far, about 4 or 5 interested, still room for 3 or 4 more. If anyone else is interested, post here or send an email by Friday morning.

    Thanks guys.
  • I might bring a buddy with me if that's ok.
  • I woudl love to comeout witha couple friends is there still room?
    can i get more details?

  • Chilling and King, yes, there is still room. Chilling, just sent you an email. King, please confirm how many will attend.

    Table is about 5 or 6 right now, still room for one or two more. If interested, please post by noon today, and I will send you the details.

    If anyone needs directions, email me at before 2 pm today or call me at home at 905-799-1819 after 3pm today.

    Thanks guys, sounds like it will be fun.
  • I think I'll be able to make it out tonight. I'll call you later.
  • Be good to see you again Dorez. Maybe win back some of my $$ from the last time!!!! :rage:

    Call me!!!!
  • i just found this site, and it is a goldmine. I am pretty interested this tourney, can u get back to me with time and directions
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Be good to see you again Dorez.  Maybe win back some of my $$ from the last time!!!! :rage:

    Call me!!!!

    I hope not :D

    I might be able to get one more guy, how many chips are we getting this time?
  • We will figure out chip count just before we start the first game.  I only have a 500pc set, but we will work something out.

    Must say, suddenly the interest is mind blowing!!!!  Thanks guys.  Dorez, I hope you can make it out, be good to have a familiar face at the table again.

    If I hadn't said it before, guys, its BYOB, I will have softdrinks and munchies available.

    Forgot to mention as well....7:30pm start time, please be ontime

    Oh, and I have a new puppy now, so I apologize in advance for the intense attention you will get!!!!
  • I'm down for a game or two...warning... :fish:
  • Thanks for coming out guys. Had abit of fun, despite only being a 3 man table. Hopefully everyone can make it out for my next home game. I'll try to give more notice too.

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