Edmonton Best cash games?

Gunna be in the city from the 23 saturday till friday for World Masters Games 2005

Was curious whats the best casino for cash games? Heard alot about baccarat but have never been.


  • Baccrat has a 5-10 Pot Limit game, Yellowhead has a 10-20 on Friday, and a 15-30 on Saturday, both are busy so make sure to book a seat in advance.

    Other than that, everthing is pretty much 3-6 kill, or 4-8 holdem-omaha, that I know of.

    Have Fun
  • thanks... Appreciate the heads up
  • Theres also $100 Max Buy-In NL at Argyll every evening.
    10/20 Hold'em on Saturdays and Sundays at Palace
    Baccarat also runs 10/20 Omaha 8, 15/30 choice...they rotate those games along with 5/10 Pot throughout the week and that game starts in early afternoon and usually runs till late evening.
  • sweet I'll try and check these out..

    Also there is a 200+20 Klondike days tourny with qualifying mon-weds and finals thursday night.. Yellowhead again
  • thats a shootout tournament i believe

    they have 2 qualifying tournaments every day leading up to the final day, where all the winners compete for the collected prize pool
  • Irah wrote:
    Baccrat has a 5-10 Pot Limit game,  Yellowhead has a 10-20 on Friday, and a 15-30 on Saturday, both are busy so make sure to book a seat in advance.

    Other than that, everthing is pretty much 3-6 kill, or 4-8 holdem-omaha, that I know of.

    Have Fun

    what does "kill" mean - as in $3/$6 "kill"??
  • a kill game is one in which whenever a player wins two hands in a row, the limit of the game doubles and the player that won the two hands is forced to post a big blind of that limit. the game stays at that limit until someone else wins a hand, the game then reverts back to the original limit

    for example, if i win two hands in a row in the 3/6 kill game, the next hand after becomes a 6/12 game and I have to post a bling of $6 regardless of what position im in. the game remains 6/12 until i lose a hand, which then reverts the game back to 3/6
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