Poker @ Pinhead's July 20th

Since Wednesday nights seem to be popular for poker in KW, I'll host some low stakes single tables or a small multi if we get enough interest. Most likely $10 freezeouts or with rebuys depending on interest, starting at 7 PM.

pm or post if you're interested and I'll let you know directions (near UW)



  • Can't make it brad. Next time for sure though
  • I'm in, Brad.
    Please PM address.

  • Sounds good Brad, I"ll play
  • Hey Brad,

    I'd like to play as well.

    Can you pm address/directions? I may not be able to make it if its too far away.

  • Gow,
    Brad lives near UW, but it is quite a hike.
    I can pick you up, if you need a ride.

  • Love to, but I've got a Board meeting. :(
  • Hey Johnnie,

    If there's room for me, i'd love a ride! Thanks a lot! I'll make sure to lose my chips to you ;)
  • Hey...

    Throw me on the list, I'm pretty sure I can make it, but will need directions etc.

  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Hey Johnnie,

    If there's room for me, i'd love a ride! Thanks a lot! I'll make sure to lose my chips to you ;)

    Great, I'd appriacate that.
    PM your address, and I'll pick you up a 6:45 or so

  • So far we have 7 guys, and a couple more I'm still waiting to hear back from.
    Zithal wrote:
    Love to, but I've got a Board meeting. :(
    That's too bad Rob - maybe this time somebody else can actually leave with more $$ than they brought :rage:

  • Oh, don't worry. If I'm not there I'm sure someone else will take your money. ;)
  • Hey Brad,

    You got room for one more? After last week, Josh had a blast and wants to come out again.

  • Hey Brad.

    If there is still room, i would like to play. Thanks
  • That puts us up to 10 players so far. If anybody else is interested we can squeeze in 11, but I have to cap it at that.
    The plan is to have $10 + rebuys in the first hour or so, and then when that's over have a freezeout if there are enough people still wanting to play.

  • Brad...please add one with me- George

    See you Wednesday.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Oh, don't worry. If I'm not there I'm sure someone else will take your money. ;)

    ME!!PICK ME!!!! OOH OOHH OOH !! I'M EVER SO GOOD!!!......
  • I know we're playing tomorrow, but who are the 10 players?

    Brad, Gow, Josh, Mark, Lethel, Jeff, Dave, George, me and ??????????
    Not that it really maters, I'm just curious.

    Also, how many rebuys?

  • Actually there are going to be 12 of us somehow squeezed around the table - 8 from the forum (your list minus Mark  :'( )
    and 4 of my friends from school - was only supposed to be 3 but one guy changed his mind and since 3 of them are roommates it's basically an all or none package - and as they don't belong to this forum they are obviously inferior players (read:  :fish: ).

         EDIT: back down to 11, the one guy that was out and then in is back out so we don't have to squish as much

  • Thanks for hosting last night, Brad!! It was a pleasure to play on such a nicely built table.
    Who ended up in the money?

  • Yeah, thanks for hosting Brad! I loved the table and it was just a good time all round! Thanks!
  • Fallen Angel..

    You're getting out all over now aren't ya? I'm so proud to have helped burst yoru poker cherry. :)

  • Nice table Brad.
    Thanks for hosting...Greek made the comeback of the year...400 chips...blinds 500/1000 and comes back to win with 7 guys left in the game.
  • Thanks for all the great comments about the table guys.
    That was an impressive comeback from less than a SB with half the players left to take down the whole thing.
    Just wish I could have been involved as more than a dealer at that point.

    Thanks again for coming guys

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Fallen Angel..

    You're getting out all over now aren't ya? I'm so proud to have helped burst yoru poker cherry. :)


    Haha, I am getting around Mark...that sounds dirty ;)
    Thanks for being there on my first game of poker in Waterloo! You were an inspiration.
  • You always remember your first time........

    Congrats George!!!!!
  • You were a great inspiration too Johnnie! I never will forget the first time.
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