Retro Report: Bristol Street Classic II

The second Bristol Street Classic upped the numbers of players by one (to eight!) and was important because it was the last Bristol Street Classic played on a Saturday and the very last one to use my original chips.

My original chips were the cheap plastic ones that cost $2.50 for a sleeve of 100. Very affordable, but not a lot of fun to actually use. My chips would come in just before BSC III and I'll go over some of the fun I had with that in the next report.

BSC II also began the use of nicknames, with mine being a little different than just using my Board name here. The name I used comes from a play I starred in the previous year, as it actually sounded somewhat pokerish. BSC II was also the first tournamnet which woudl use it's official name!

At this point, we were still using watches to keep track of the blind levels. :)

Bristol Street Classic II - RESULTS!!!

The Bristol Street Classic II

The second tournament at the Bristol St. Casino and Nightclub brought out 8 Poker pro's compeating for an eventual prize purse of $100. Assembled for this week's tournament around the table, starting with the first button, were Dave S, Chris "The Corpse" K, Steve "All-In" S, Neils, "The Princess" Lisa H, "The Knave of Hearts" Rob L, Tye Z, and Scott N.

Seating positions were assigned, the $10 buyin was collected and each player was given 100 chips to start the tournament off. Play was loose and fast with several sizable pots changing hands in the first few minutes of the game.

At the 22 minute mark, Tye became the first casuality of the evening, with Scott following suit 26 minutes later. At the one hour mark, both Scott and Tye opted to rebuy into the tournament and we began the final death elimination portion of the evening.

Spending freely, Scott's chip stack was slowly whittled away with most of it draining off on a particularly deadly hand. The flop came K Q 3, with some good betting between Scott and "The Knave". A King arrived on Fourth Street and the betting between these two picked up, forcing the other players to fold out of the hand. The river came up blank and both Scott and "The Knave" bet to within inches of going All-In. Rob turned over his hole cards, showing K 10, while Scott turned his over.... K 9. It went to the second kicker with Rob's K K K Q 10 inching out Scott's K K K Q 9. This put Rob in better chip position and ended up knocking Scott out of the tournament a few hands later. Safe betting with moderate pots took over the table until "The Corpse", Mr. "All-In" and "The Princess" became involved with a sizable pot seeing both Steve and Lisa calling All In. The cards came up in Chris' favour putting the other two sharks out of the game. Lisa, with the larger initial chip stack on this hand, finished just ahead of Steve.

The blinds increased and Dave, unable to grow his own shrinking chipstack, became the fourth player eliminated from the tournament.

This left four players in the game. One would walk out empty handed while the other three would finish 'in the money'. A chip race-off to the "25" chip level put "The Knave of Hearts" at 6 chips, Niels at 4 and Tye and Chris splitting a good majority of the rest.

The first hand into the 25-50 chip level saw me dealt A-Q. With the big blind nearly on top of me I figured this would be a good a time as any to make my stand. I pushed all-in, Tye folded, and Chris immediately called. In perhaps the most surprising move of the game, Neils also pushed all-in with his 4 chips. A three-way race off!!

I flipped over my hand, then my heart sank when Chris turned over Siegfried and Roy; Q Q. Niels turned over 9 4 off-suited to puzzled looks. No sooner had "The Corpse" tried to console me by saying that one of his queens was already in my hand, than the first card of the flop came up a Queen. It was the nail in the coffin for both the Knave and Neils, both eliminated on the same hand.

BUT... Due to the fact that Rob held the chip lead over Neils going into that hand, Rob ended in third place while Neils took fourth. Had he folded the 9 4 off-suit in the all-in call, I wouldn't have his money. :)

No sooner did the presentation of the prize money hit the table than the tournament was over. The very next hand saw Tye call all in with an OK hand, but Chris, with a massive chip lead, once again won the face off, giving him the win and the first place finish. In summary...

1st - Chris "The Corpse" K - $50
2nd - Tye Z - $30
3rd - "The Knave of Hearts" Rob L - $20
4th - Neils
5th - Dave S
6th - "The Princess" Lisa H
7th - Steve "All-In" S
8th - Scott N.

There was much vowing of revenge and the party broke for the evening, crowning "The Corpse" as the Bristol Street Classic II champion.

With the arrival of my new poker chips, the stage is set for Bristol Street III. My weekends are pretty shot for the next couple weeks, so we're going to try a mid week tournament. Wed, March 31st, at 7pm the (real) chips will fly. I believe I can accomidate up to 14 players, so reserve your seat early. (The official notification will be going out this afternoon)

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