Please help ... Missing person... use to host poker games once a week ...

Anyone seen my friend Shannon lately!
He use to hold games at least once a week at his place, but now I only see him on the ball field making mid flight grabs and defying gravity to come up with the catch, only to lose once he hits the ground. Turning singles into triples with the speed of a wide receiver. Ever thought about playing football?

I know the cards go cold, but it has been a while. Tell me the words retirement haven’t entered the picture. Say it ain’t so! If it is confidence you need, I know Mario , Dr Tyore and Hughjazz are always looking for a game.

Prophet 22


  • Not to mention man-flirting you beautiful Irish bastard.

  • Thanks Brent, that post totally brightened my day. I've been known to read a post or two in my time and after reviewing SEVERAL threads on "what to do when you're running bad" I've decided to take a mini-break from poker. My official return date is August 1, 05. I had felt as though I was playing some of the best poker of my life but not getting the results, then I changed my game mid-flight and started playing some of the worst poker of my life. Needed a break and am now feeling much better about it. As you've said, I've been able to spend some time doing some things that are making my body and mind feel better. I had played a bunch of poker in the past months and wanted to start missing it again, it's starting to come back. To be honest though, I think I'm missing the people I play with more then the poker itself. Yes, more man-flirting Mark. I am a beautiful Irish bastard aren't I! Thanks for the note of concern and the sports related and physical appearance related compliments.

  • Is it just me or does it sound like a tourney on August 1st at Shannon's??????
  • cards in the air at 12:01?
    I'm in.

    Enjoy your break Shannon, but, I'd be great to have you and the Pit back.
  • Shannon

    Honestly, a good move... my three weeks in England re-charged the batteries, and I have been playing what I would consider to be very good poker lately... well, except the other night at Wolfhound's.. but that was Captain Morgan's fault.

  • If you really miss some of us, there's always Ethel's, or Morty's, or Molly Bloom's, or Barly Work's, or'Moosies, etc.

    It would be great to get to know the crazy people we play with outside of a poker room.
    Wasn't the Jays game fun? Seriously, I'm asking, I don't remember much of it. (How the hell did I get home?) :D

    Enjoy the rest of your R&R, Shannon.

  • Beer is good.

    We could even do a road trip to head to the "Winking Judge" in Hamilton. The beer snob in me loves that place.

    I saw we collect up a fund and place a bounty on the first tourney that Shannon plays. Sort of a "welcome back" from the gang.
  • shannon, you definately have been missed man. Tell kate i said i'm sorry i was such a bad influence on her man. and a tear falls from my cheek every time i bust out and arent able to witness a dance.

    I have cleared that night from my schedule for august first. nothing will stop me from playing A6s that night. NOTHING!!!

    i have kind of been taking a break from poker lately also shannon, i have only played about 2 times inb the last 3 or 4 weeks. robs being one of them. now i really wanna play man, really wanna play.

  • Kwsop kwsop kwsop kwsop kwsop
  • I think we should declare August 1st National Shannon  You've been sorely missed my friend, things just aren't the same without you or the Pit  :'(  Looking forward to your come back sooner rather then later...But take as much time as you need...god knows the rest of us aren't going anywhere.  I like the idea of a pub night though, we should look into organizing that.

    Anyways hope things have been good for yah shannon, you deserve it man!

    Love Brady

    ps..couldn't resist the love part hahaha
  • Wow so much man flirting!

    We understand Shannon, and to think I thought you were just ignoring me!

    Road trip? Lets see how about a 10 province and 48 state slurpee run, we could beat out these two morons

    Yes, they are over 30
    Yes, he had to borrow mom's car,
    Yes, they actually did this......
    Doesn't your life look good now?

    Maybe we get together, sans cards, adding beer and we could bet on bug races...I know just the place...Brent can we still go to the Huether?

    See you soon,

  • Hey if you guy's are planning a road trip... :D

    ...why don't you save it for Aug 6th, that gives Shannon a week to reprime his card game game.....(shameless plug for my tourney)... :D

    ...and come to T.O......I'm sure we can make accomidations for you to crash if you don't want to make the return trip... :D
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