Family Guy

This is to all of the Family Guy lovers out there.
Do you think their extended jokes are funny or annoying.

Example:When he falls in the PawTucketPatriot episode(Willy Wonka spoof) and he just sits there 'ahhhing' for like 3 mins, even last nights episode with Stewie questioning Brian about his I found it hilarious. Just curious, thanks.


  • All of that stuffs hilarious, but the best one, by far, was the random return of the giant chicken that Peter was fighting in a previous episode.
  • awesome.
  • Yes, I loved how he kept throwing in random terms from high school lit class, it just got funnier and funnier.
  • There seems to be at least one joke(per episode) that is highly inappropriate for TV, but is still funny.

    For example, in the episode when Peter is blinded (I don't remember why) he crawls to Chris' bed and starts to fondle him, thinking its Lois. Funny for a cartoon, but any other live action sitcom that tried that would is serious trouble.

    Also, the plot lines are more about Peter and Lois, which is dumb, because Stewie and Brian are the two most interesting characters. We need another whole episode about them, IMO

    I think the writers realize that can do just about anything they want, because the show was cancelled, and then revived by the fans, so the show is VERY dirty.

    Just my thoughts, maybe I'm just an old Simpson's fan who wants laugh from the old episodes. Thank god for DVDs!!

  • Its Stupid In A Funny Way.
  • Or funny in a stupid way
  • I think it's because they extend it that it's funny. Well, to men at least. I tried to show a few episode to my wife and after a while she just got up and proclaimed the show to be "man humor".

    giggidy giggidy giggidy

    Howard Stern's penis ... bababooey bababooey
  • I am so glad the show is back on. This season has been pretty good so far. My favorite episodes are the one where Cleveland's wife cheats on him with the Q-man and the Bachelorette parody.
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