Top Pair Big Kicker vs Two Pair on the flop

I have been on the good and bad side of these flops...

Last night in a sit and go (no limit) I have A-J ...opponent has 9-6o (blinds are 25-50), flop is J-9-6 opponent bets 50, I have about 500 chips left, I raise all in, he calls, I lose.

I have also been on the other side of this, any tips for avoiding being on the wrong end? I watch for the big blind, is there any magic tricks here or just sometimes you are going to get beat.

Thanks for your comments.


  • In your example, what position are you and your opponent in? How many players? What was the pre-flop action? What is your opponent's stack size?

  • is there any magic tricks

    yes, I can make chips disappear!!!

    Like Scotty said...need more info.....but I may have went all-in pre-flop, 96o likely would not have stayed in. I think the all-in post flop was a bit reckless. You still have 10xBB perhaps a call would have been a better choice...see what the turn brings?
  • Someone said it (TJ, Doyle, Bueller?) "don't go broke on an unraised pot". It makes perfect sense. BB could be holding anything. Anyone could limp in with garbage hoping to catch a miracle.

    In your situation, I would recommend raising without pot-committing yourself. If that is possible.

    In the future, depending on various factors, it may have been better to raise preflop to get those hands to fold.
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