$15 each
Have 2 available

100 poker size cut cards

msn/email goffeebeans@hotmail.com


  • are the backs as pictured?
  • Yes, the backs are as pictured.

    Instead of starting a new thread for the cases and chips i've combined them into this thread.

    I sold all of the dice chips,
    I only have some of the double dice design chips remaining.
    250 greens
    50 blacks
  • Did you get rid of all your dice chips, cause I'm still looking for 100 white.
  • Do you still have COPAG's available?
    Let me know
  • all the 1546 design is sold.
    Only have the export super index cards left.

    Racks are $15 for 10 or take $30 for 30.
  • I will take all 30 racks ... unless you still have those cases availiable.
    Let me know
  • Do you have any more cases available? How many chips do they hold, it looks like 500.
  • Yes, i still have cases and racks.
    I have 4 cases.
    You can reach me through msn at goffeebeans@hotmail.com or pm me for my cell.
  • moose04 wrote:
    Did you get rid of all your dice chips, cause I'm still looking for 100 white.

    Moose I can sell you 100 white
  • Chip racks have been sold, the cases are now $15 down from 20 and cutcards are $25 for 100. Shipping is on top.
  • Hey Goffee, I'll take all your cut cards.
  • Hi, sorry but somebody already purchased them.
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