World Series of Poker Kilt Update

Well, my kilt maker has screwed up. He probably will not get any Saskatchewan tartan in time. Oops. But, he's a hell of a guy. He is going to custom make me a kilt from his tartan and lend it to me. So, I will my kilted in the MacBitseach tartan (Irish Gaelic for son of a bitch). And... get this... he is making a tiny kilt for the beaver! Talk about customer service!

Thanks Bear (

Fear the kilted beaver, baby. Fear the kilted beaver.


  • I wish I could be as drunk as your are as you wrote that ;-)
  • You may well have been from the looks of it.
  • Drunk?

    Nah, I say dumb stuff when I am drunk.
  • Man...A kilted beaver from SK.

    Proud to live here. Even prouder you do Dave

    If I ever meet you in a tourney and you pull out the kilted beaver, I will go all in and forfeit my chips. I mean, what the hell else is a guy to do? I feel sorry for the unknowing, virgin poker players out there that have not yet felt the wrath of the original beaver, let alone the new and improved.

    Will the beaver pass the dress code? Is there a decency law in Nevada?
  • RickB wrote:
    Is there a decency law in Nevada?

  • So, I will my kilted in the MacBitseach tartan (Irish Gaelic for son of a bitch). And... get this... he is making a tiny kilt for the beaver!...Fear the kilted beaver, baby. Fear the kilted beaver.
    Theme song: "Now you're messing with a son of a bitch"

    I'd have to say I've never feared a kilted beaver. Never ever. I find them kind of cute. Especially around the mall at lunchtime.
  • You will REALLY like the "Tilted Kilt" in the Rio. Picture typical Vegas cocktail staff wearing a little tiny kilt and matching tartan bra top.

    Whew. Quick, somebody blow a cool breeze up me loins. Ach.
  • me loins. Ach.

    Have you tried any of those heating sports creams? ie:A535 :)
  • Hey Dave,
    Any chances of you getting a picture of your beaer with the girls from the Rio when you go back? Then posting it on your site?
  • What faux Scotsman is complete without his hunting dogs? My Macbitseach tarten kilt has arrived. It's the final piece of the puzzle. Everyone else plays for second.

  • Awesome!

    Best wishes Dave!!

  • Any chances of you getting a picture of your beaer with the girls from the Rio when you go back?

    Oh! Where has my beaver been photos! I love it. This is a must. Daily updates for sure. What my beaver did today.
  • Any chances of you getting a picture of your beaer with the girls from the Rio when you  go back?

    Oh! Where has my beaver been photos! I love it. This is a must. Daily updates for sure. What my beaver did today.

    "Fear the beaver, baby. Fear the beaver." :D
  • it takes a man with kahunas the size of saskatchewan to wear something like that. i admit i dress ridiculous sometimesm but even i couldnt wear a dress...i mean a kilt! gl in the main event this week!
  • Ya but where do you think he stores his beaver?
  • well at least he's not wearing a pink bunny suit
  • They are not allowing the "pink bunny suit guy"

    They are enforcing a pretty strict dress code.
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