Corned in P.A

Since this is the ask Dave section I'm sure I'll come up with a question.

Last Friday, a $50.00 n/l tourney w/ re-buys and an add-on was played in PA. The tourney was advertised throughout the North like wildfire. I heard about it that morning, so decided to go for a drive. The Casino was not affiliated with this tourney what so ever. Anywho, there were 146 entries = $7, 300.00
301 rebuys =$15,100.00
98 add-ons= $4,900.00
$27, 300.00

The advertisement guaranteed $12,000 total payout, based on 240 entries. The end result, total prize pay-out $8400.00, with 1st getting $3300.00. $19,000 vanished into thin air. The organizers pocketed all add-on and rebuy $ but had the heart to throw in $1100.00 of their rake into the prize pool. Needless to say, a riot damn near broke out. It could have been a good thing, rake 10% and have it monthly, instead of having it once and taking it all. Plain and simple, it was theft. Don't you think?


  • Wow. They even advertised the amount of re-buys and add ons and still did this?
  • And proud of it. They had a powerpoint, all money tallied was visible to all players.
  • you forgot to add the high hand ...... that they charged $10.00 in order to be eligible for!! what a joke :rage:
  • Poet your a pretty big guy, Feel sorry for the scam artist that ran this when u got done beating the $27000 worth of tar out of them.....U say there was almost a riot who stopped you??????? You said it was advertised but not put on by the casino (is that even legal)???? Normally I wouldnt care if it was run correctly but in this situation I may be asking a couple of questions....
  • Legal? Well, I'm not a laywer, but I have been called a FBI..ha. The Casino was held at the old PA Residence gym (Urban reserve). And for those of you in poker land who didn't know that First Nations people can execute any kind of gaming on reserve land, well, now you know. So in the legal sense, no one in PA is going to jail. Note to self...*don't trust an Indian who has a laptop under his arm*..ha. A few of us here in NB were pondering the idea of hosting a huge tourney, well, these turkeys may have just put a stop to it.

    Has anyone seen my cousin Dave?

    Authors note: Im an Indian, I can say this stuff.
  • This looks to me like (1) running a gaming house. And, (2) Yes, I agree that it was theft.

    Solution... don't play in stuff organized by these guys again.
    for those of you in poker land who didn't know that First Nations people can execute any kind of gaming on reserve land, well, now you know.

    I am not quite sure I agree with you, here. It is certainly open to debate that first nations can operate some gaming on first nations land. But, it would still require some sort of regulation or it could be subject to criminal liability (I think). This does not appear to have been regulated.
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