SNG Hand Analysis

This hand was from a Limit SNG. I know most people play the NL ones but I cant do much better than 10% ROI and seem to do better at Limit. I am not exactly happy with the way I played this hand. Firstly I usually only play this hand from late position in unraised Multiway (5 or 6 players). We were down to 6 players the Big blind was very aggressive.. and the second chip leader. I was the chip leader which did influence my play a bit.

Seat 1: poody (1590 in chips)
Seat 3: Ego Boy (880 in chips)
Seat 4: mjuser (2375 in chips)
Seat 5: hubble (3840 in chips)
Seat 7: dek46 (1685 in chips)
Seat 9: Chi-Town 1 (3130 in chips)
dek46: posts small blind 75
Chi-Town 1: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hubble [4c Ac]
poody: folds
Ego Boy: folds
mjuser: calls 150
hubble: calls 150
dek46: folds
Chi-Town 1: checks
*** FLOP *** [Tc 6c 9d]
Chi-Town 1: checks
mjuser: bets 150
hubble: calls 150
Chi-Town 1: raises 150 to 300
mjuser: raises 150 to 450
hubble: folds (I went into think tank and had my calculator crunching numbers for about 50 sec of the 60sec allowed)
Chi-Town 1: raises 150 to 600
Betting is capped
mjuser: calls 150

On the flop initial bet i considered raising and calling and initially decided that calling would be better as I may did not necessarily want to narrow the Field if my hand did improve. When the Big blind raised and was then faced by the 3 bet, I was in a dilemma.... I considered calling raising and folding. I truly felt at this time that one of the two players probably had a set. Even though I did have the Big Blind labbled as an ultra aggressive player I thought he was the one with the set and possibly the straight. I also felt that calling was futile as i expected the big blind to cap(which he did).
Does any body else fold here. Is this too weak tight or is this the correct play considering I have plenty of chips left. Not really near the money yet but getting close and if i win this pot it will let me coast to the money or Run over the table which ever looks like the more correct play at the time depending how players are playing. Will post results of hand later after I get flamed.


  • Is this too weak tight


    If you are going to fold Axs on the flop when you make the flush draw, fold it preflop.

    As it stands, you have around 35% pot equity putting in 33% of the chips. You WANT a capped flop. Plus, you've got plenty of chips, so missing your draw is no big deal.

    And C'mon, one guy with a set and the other guy with the straight? Wanna now whats far more likely? ATo and J9o are trying futilely to 'price out the flush draw' and one of your opponent will turtle the turn allowing you to take a cheap card.
  • Call it and see the next card. BBC Z is right. If you are going to fold the Axs on flop when you have the flush draw, fold it pre-flop.
    If the flush didn't hit on the next card it is a tougher choice. I imagine that the betting was most likely capped again.

    Last point, no one raised before the flop. I would be surprised if someone limped in with a pocket pair.
  • 6-handed I think a raise preflop would be a nice way to go, then i'd raise the flop bet as well
  • *** TURN *** [Tc 6c 9d] [7c]
    Chi-Town 1: checks
    mjuser: checks
    *** RIVER *** [Tc 6c 9d 7c] [Ad]
    Chi-Town 1: bets 300
    mjuser: calls 300
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Chi-Town 1: shows [8c Jd] (a straight, Seven to Jack)
    mjuser: mucks hand
    Chi-Town 1 collected 2475 from pot

    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 2475 | Rake 0
    Board [Tc 6c 9d 7c Ad]
    Seat 1: poody folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: Ego Boy folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: mjuser mucked [Kh Th]
    Seat 5: hubble (button) folded on the Flop
    Seat 7: dek46 (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 9: Chi-Town 1 (big blind) showed [8c Jd] and won (2475) with a straight,
    Seven to Jack

    BBC u hit it pretty close KT suited and J8off instead of J9. Top pair good kicker vs open ended. The turn makes my flush but and makes his str8 but i dont know if i get much more than a bet out of him on turn and river and possibly one bet out of the ten. I immediatly went to two dimes and punched in the numbers and seen how wrong my fold was even if i was against some of the better hands. I said at the beginning of this I wasnt happy with the way I played it. In a cash game if I end up in this same spot i am certain I would have called as u can always get more chips and push any edge u get. I folded figureing the players for better hands than they had and not wanting to get caught on in another raising war. But I still think this is too weak tight like everyone said.

    If this was No Limit and and someone made a pot size bet for 20% or 40% or half his stack what would be the correct play as these situations are what gives me terrible greif in NL. (I usually end up folding most draws or Reraising if the guy is not totally pot committed with nut draws)
  • yeah

    pf play is ok but I like aggression if a hand isn't worth a raise is it worth playing..

    flop you got what you wanted! gotta bet/raise that and if capped bonus

    Turn = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    little to passive..
  • I agree with the other posters. The only way you fold on that flop is if it's NL and you are faced with a call that will take a huge bite out of your stack. In this case you still are in a good spot even if you don't hit the flush.
  • Gord wrote:
    6-handed I think a raise preflop would be a nice way to go, then i'd raise the flop bet as well

    Exactly what I was gonna say....
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