$1/$2 Limit Fun at PP

Just posting for some entertainment value of the craziness at the low limits at PP. Just grinding it out to clear my May bonus. I definitely shouldn't have been in the pot after the turn or river, but the pot was so big I just decided to call for the hell of it anyway. Anyone would have done the same? I was actually surpised of the outcome.

$1/$2 Hold'em - Sunday, May 29, 19:04:50 EDT 2005
Table Table  36495 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 7: TiMSuM ( $51.38 )
Seat 8: lauracroft1 ( $51.5 )
Seat 4: clemdog ( $40.48 )
Seat 6: DjBobert81 ( $76.75 )
Seat 9: Answer555 ( $48.5 )
Seat 1: ehvdegekste ( $28.25 )
Seat 10: Xstacy ( $46.75 )
Seat 3: zyknos ( $47.5 )
Seat 5: Ezsaias ( $47.5 )
Seat 2: any2can ( $46 )
any2can posts small blind [$0.5].
zyknos posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to TiMSuM [  Kh Kd ]
clemdog calls [$1].
Ezsaias folds.
DjBobert81 calls [$1].
TiMSuM raises [$2].
lauracroft1 calls [$2].
Answer555 folds.
Xstacy calls [$2].
ehvdegekste folds.
any2can calls [$1.5].
zyknos calls [$1].
clemdog calls [$1].
DjBobert81 calls [$1].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, 8h, 2d ]
any2can checks.
zyknos bets [$1].
clemdog raises [$2].
DjBobert81 calls [$2].
TiMSuM calls [$2].
lauracroft1 calls [$2].
Xstacy calls [$2].
any2can calls [$2].
zyknos raises [$2].
clemdog calls [$1].
DjBobert81 calls [$1].
TiMSuM calls [$1].
lauracroft1 calls [$1].
Xstacy calls [$1].
any2can calls [$1].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
any2can bets [$2].
zyknos raises [$4].
clemdog calls [$4].
DjBobert81 folds.
TiMSuM calls [$4].
lauracroft1 calls [$4].
Xstacy calls [$4].
any2can calls [$2].
** Dealing River ** [ 4s ]
any2can checks.
zyknos bets [$2].
clemdog calls [$2].
TiMSuM calls [$2].
lauracroft1 folds.
Xstacy folds.
any2can calls [$2].
zyknos shows [ 9d, 9s ] a pair of nines.
clemdog shows [ Qd, Qc ] a pair of queens.
TiMSuM shows [ Kh, Kd ] a pair of kings.
any2can doesn't show [ 8s, 7s ] a pair of eights.
TiMSuM wins $66 from  the main pot  with a pair of kings.


  • I think that you should have been raising the flop as opposed to calling it. Folding after that flop would be very questionable. IMO.
    As played after the reraise on the flop I would have pushed again and try to drive the questionable hands out. Regardless good hit for you.
  • hmmm, perhaps I'm wrong but I would have capped the betting each round?
  • I would have 3-bet the flop. The primary reason is that I believe that I probably currently have the best hand.

    However, I think there is an important secondary reason to go 3 bets on the flop. That is, to clarify the turn action.

    Suppose you 3-bet the flop. The action may or may not be capped on the flop, but I don't think it gives much information one way or the other.

    The key here is that you 3-betting the flop will probably slow down at least one of your opponents (unless something ridiculous has happened on this board, like two different opponents flopping sets). If both of the opponents who were putting in bets and raises on the flop still make it 2 bets cold to you on the turn, it would probably be okay to slow down yourself and just call. On the other hand, if facing only 1 turn bet, I would put in a turn raise of my own.

    If, by the river, everyone slows down and checks to you, I think you've got to go ahead and make a scary value bet. (If raised on the river, just call.)

    I really doubt that I would fold this hand. The only way the hand might go down that I'd fold it would be if the flop (partially be me) and turn were both capped, and it was 2 cold to me (assuming it would probably be capped again) on the river. Even in the worst case, it's a close decision.

    The key here IMO is that you're playing $1-$2 LPLLHE.

    You often hear disgruntled Hellmuth-wannabes state that, "You can't put players on a hand playing low-limit." In some sense, this is accurate. However, this does not only mean that you should not discount your opponents having random trash like 83o. Also important (especially as applied to this hand), is that you should not give your LLHE opponents too much credit for a monster hand when they come out with guns blazing. Many LLHE opponents see hands like top pair no kicker, an overpair or a coordinated board, or a set facing a 3-flush flop and 7 opponents, all as the immortal nuts. Ironically, this is not too far off base, since LLHE opponents often have even worse hands than these.

    Although it's true that loose-passive opponents who have sprung to life and are betting and raising often believe they have legitimate hands, I have found that their legitimate hand standards are frequently much broader than my own. This is one of the very rare instances in LPLLHE where a player read may help.

  • WAYYYY to passive

  • Thanks for the input. I agree with the 3-bet on the flop after looking at it. It would have defined other people's hands a little better. However, playing $1/2 I know people will go in with garbage and usually bet hard with a set (which I was thinking). That is why I slowed down on the river/turn. I was almost hesitant to call the final bet on the river, but the pot was so big I had to.
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