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Table Talk gone WaCkY


"whoa dude, nice hand" "You were a 3-1 to win that if you hit." Says the young guy at the table to an old Russian guy who chased a gutter and hit on the river. He continues "I mean your A5 suited was a 38% chance to crack those aces preflop anyways right."
"Thanks" responds the old guy, who then asks while raking in the chips so "are you one of those young pros?."
The young guy flips a chip through his knuckles while quickly responding "Yeah I just read Hellmuths books, I havent had a losing session ever since."
The table is a tough table, a 1050 Euro buy in with only a few complete fishes in the early going. Coclough on his left and Willie Tan on the right. Talking steadily and confidently this young guy continues to blather odds and facts about poker that are all wrong. Flush draw 14 outs, top pair holds up 75% of the time, bad beat stories that are not bad beats. He covers every aspect of poker, and he covers it wrong for hour upon hour of this tourney, even arguing with people that are being polite and stating the correct odds and facts (THANKS FOR THE INFO DUMMIES!) The rest of the pros at the tables stare at this man with a hunger so deep it is easier to read then a granny with the nut flush.
The young dude continues: "My favorite hand is a low suited connector because they beat all the good hands, my friend told me he read that in doyles book." This gets chuckles from a bunch of the players. A well known british pro asks the young guy "where you from?" "Canada" is the response, "but i live in Amsterdam."

I am such a bastard sometimes at the table. I was so happy when I was involved in the largest pot ever. I put my money in on the flop with an overpair and was called by Top pair top kicker. The river was the A. The guy never woulda called that hand if he really knew my style. I woulda monied for sure.
Ahh yes the setup in poker, thank you thank you johnny chan for teaching me how to setemup.


  • HAHA. Now thats a good story. I like the "I read hellmuth's book and haven't had a losing session since" lol.
  • I think I heard every single one of these lines yesterday.
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