Charity tourney/50% rake

Short story:
I was going to hold a 30 player tourney to raise money for a charity that hits close to home. To keep the costs to a minimum I was going to have it at my house.
Buy in $80 + cheap rebuys and add ons for 1 hour. I was going to sell beer for $2, pop/burgers etc for $1 (yes this is illegal but I am not to worried about having my charity game busted :) )
and all the profit would go to the charity. I would not take a dime.
My thinking was to hold back 25% from the pot(=30%) and I expect that I would raise $500-$1000. I figure this % is a little high but I would have no problem getting 30 people to buy into the cause.

The other people involved with this cause/charity are suggesting I go bigger(60-100) and take a 50% rake as well. (these "people" are are not "poker players")
They have a banquet hall that will donate their space (only) so that eliminates one of the major expenses.
I will have to talk with the owner of the hall in terms of food, booze availability/cost etc.

In either case I would use volunteer dealers or a couple of player/dealers (per table) to again minimize costs.

My thinking is that if we want to have a 50% rake we HAVE to include food and booze and some wicked door prizes.. But I am not sure we will come out that far ahead..
Is this feasible?
I know a year or two ago the game would be full since there were no choices but I am not sure about today.
Has anyone done something like this with this type of rake?


  • Hey Esool.

    I have supplied my services for this type of game. Som eeven do not pay out cash at all. Some actually just pay out donated prizes like T.v.' s and weekend getaways.  The type pf customer is one that identifies with the charity, and is 90% of the time not a poker player. (A true one like we have out here)

    I have raised the rake arguement before, regarding how stingy guys get about money they have a 1-50 shot at to begin with. But the harsh reality is that you may not attract this kind of player, good cause or not.

    A suggesation would be to offer up live action after the tourney rake free!! You may get your tournament needs satisfied, and get some of the cheap ass guys to come out knowing that they will play a rake free side game. As silly as this sounds, and for the 20$ the players will save on a rake free side game, this gesture would be valued.

    It is truly amazing that in just this kind of case, a player put so much value on the 20 of rake they may have contributed. When the truth is, when you play in a tourney and win you always getting at least 10-to 1 on your investment in a worst case scenario.
    That kind of money did't come from hard labour, building cars, renovating houses, or lifting came from a fucking game........playing cards. It is some of the easiest money in the world.

    So message to the WORLD!!................Charity events are for a good cause if they are noble..............if you actually are lucky enough to win, you end up doing o.k............and if you lose THE RAKE NEVER MATTERED ANYWAY!!!!


    just some thoughts from

  • I love the idea of a charity game, have thought about the idea myself out of my own home. Just curious what Charity you were thinking of?

  • stpboy wrote:
    I love the idea of a charity game, have thought about the idea myself out of my own home.  Just curious what Charity you were thinking of?


    I was going to donate the money from the poker tourney directly to this family.  (I will be doing this walk also :) )
    A lot of their costs are covered by ohip and benefits from the fathers work but a lot are not..
    They need to buy a special wheel chair style conversion van, medical machines etc...

    Josh, perhaps we will talk after I look at this hall..
  • I have had a growing number of Charity Benefit tournaments that we knocked down as a team over the last two months. They are especially fun events to work, because it all means something. That "Cash Grab" poker mentality is not present and money flows for a good cause and people feel good about it.

    I look forward to speaking with you about your event. I would be happy and honoured to put my team work for you.

    P.S. If your numbers are 60-70-80 people for this event. I have a state of the art private facility complete with High tech Plasma t/v/s (8) and huge projection screens throughout to give your tournament a real proffessional feel. The owners of this private facility are good friends and have offered me use of thier Brand new facility for mere peanuts. (300 bucks). When I say the place is Jaw dropping I understate it. Food would have to be something you arrange.

    When you factor in your "Rob Spence" level of pricing (the lowest) I offer, and put the 300 bucks for venue in + whatever food you arrange, you will come out running the event for less than any banquet hall will charge you (after everything), and you will be sitting in style and class at this place.

    Lets talk in any case,

  • agreed - this place is stunning. I get to go to a party there tonight ...

    I will post pics tomorrow.
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    agreed - this place is stunning.  I get to go to a party there tonight ...

    I will post pics tomorrow.

    I can't wait to see em. :)
  • Lets talk in any case,


    I called and left you a voicemail Thursday. Can you let me know your pricing please. We are looking at June 18 or July 16. I know the June date does not leave us much time but I am afraid of holding a tourney in July/August since a lot of people go away (cottage) on the weekends in the summer..

  • Sorry esool been busy and I will call you today.

  • We ran an event this past Saturday. All players knew coming in that 50% was going to the charity 50% going to the players. Final 4 players were paid. 20 players total. Charity received 775.00 everyone was happy. The children were the real winners.

    Brent & Cam
    West Side Poker Club
  • Sorry again esool I have been super busy and will catch up with you very soon.

  • I took down the pictures if you don't need the place anymore.
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    I took down the pictures if you don't need the place anymore.

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