1/2 6 Max hand for discussion..


I know this one is an ugly one and I believe I know what the correct line of play should have been..

I'd like your oppinions on what line to take on the hand..

***** Hand History for Game 2080679310 *****
$1/$2 Hold'em - Saturday, May 21, 00:03:33 EDT 2005
Table Table  36510 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 4: MrMata ( $120.25 )
Seat 1: Villian( $8.3 )
Seat 5: Villian2( $74.5 )
Seat 2: Villian3 ( $28.75 )
Seat 3: Villian( $15.78 )
xxxxx posts small blind [$0.5].
xxxxx posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to MrMata [  Ad Jc ]
>You have options at Table  12368 (6 max) Table!.
>You have options at Table  10783 (6 max) Table!.
xxxxxx folds.
MrMata raises [$2].
xxxxxx folds.
xxxxxx folds.
Villian calls [$1].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Td, 3d, 7d ]
Villian  bets [$1].
MrMata raises [$2].
Villian  raises [$2].
MrMata raises [$2].
Villian  calls [$1].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7h ]
Villian  bets [$2].
MrMata raises [$4].
Villian  raises [$4].
MrMata calls [$2].
** Dealing River ** [ 6s ]
Villian  bets [$2].
MrMata calls [$2].
Villian  shows [ 9c, 7c ] three of a kind, sevens.
MrMata doesn't show [ Ad, Jc ] a pair of sevens.
Villian  wins $27.5 from  the main pot  with three of a kind, sevens.
>You have options at Table  12368 (6 max) Table!.


  • I'll I can say is that you just got caught chasing and you shouldn't have. Judging on the multiple re-raises of your opponent, I would have felt I was beat from the flop. I know it is tempting to chase the one card nut flush draw but you must be prepared to lose it. There was no bluffing the other guy off this pot (obvious from the flop). At that moment (when he re-re-raised you) is when you made the choice to stay in the pot no matter what. You weren't giving up the cash you put in already. Once there was no diamond on the turn you should have folded. You had nothing and only a few outs. Again, the re-raising said he either had Trips, two pair, the flush (off the flop) or worse yet, a boat. You were beat and didn't want to give in. It happens, I have done it and it has cost me.
  • I haven't played shorthanded in awhile, but here's my take of the hand:

    Preflop: I'm not typically a fan of raising AJo in EP, but shorthanded I think this is OK.

    Flop: Great flop. 2 overs plus nut flush draw. I cap here too.

    Turn: I slow down here hoping for a free card or potentially bet and call a raise. (I think I probably check/call, but don't think bet/call is horrid either)
    Once there was no diamond on the turn you should have folded.

    I disagree. I think you're most likely good if a diamond hits (he could be pushing a big diamond draw himself). I probably make a crying call even if I hit an A or J on river as well given the big pot size. I'm not a fan of the 3 bet. If someone did catch 2 pair or trips on the flop you're drawing dead. If someone has the flush, there's no way they're folding.

    River: I know it's a big pot, but I'm not calling with A high here. You're beat, fold.

    In the end he put you on the draw and managed to catch a great card on the turn. You had 15 outs on him on the flop. Getting into a capped flop there with 2nd pair no kicker on a suited board vs. a preflop raiser is questionable at best. Even if he KNOWS he up against a draw, it's such a big draw I still don't like the play. Tough one.
  • Of course the great thing is when people are expecting you to play this aggressively with a draw, it gives you license to play your flopped nut flushes the EXACT same way. You end up making people look really stupid for 3 betting you with 2nd pair then when you're holding the nuts... :) So moral of the story is to play your big draws fast and your made hands even faster! :)
  • Thanks Guys...

    I'll re post my thoughts a little later on this hand ...
  • I hate this hand after the 3-bet on the flop. You are obviously drawing and should discount your overcard outs.

    I'm going to venture a guess and say that you are Villian because I dont think you are this insane.
  • I see no problem with capping the flop hoping to go check check on the turn if you miss assuming you think your cap will force him to slowdown, especially since you may be about even money anwyays. Once he bets the turn again you can only call and hope to catch on the river, raising again here is just donating. If you catch a pair on the river you have to pay him off but if not don't waste even more money with a call.
  • Yup
    ok here's my thoughts now..

    PF raise with AJ in MP when 1st to act is fine...

    Flop was awesome I was a 51.5 to 48.5 Favorite.. Capping is ok I play an aggresive style calling the 3 bet also ok..

    Turn I blew ... I let my aggression get the better of me and this was bad play by me.. I should have flat called..

    River After the way I played the flop and turn for 1 bet more I Couldn't fold...

    The proper line of play I should have played I believe was this..

    PF : raise
    Flop : bet and call 3 bet ( Capping is ok also because of the over cards)
    turn : call
    river : fold
  • Preflop is standard
    Flop -> after you get three-bet, you know you are behind, you cap to keep the lead in the hand ( I assume that after you cap, villain will check the turn to you unless his hand improves or he's fastplaying a monster)
    Turn -> I call Villain's bet
    River -> easy fold
  • I was a favorite on the flop

    51.5 to 48.5

    flush draw with over cards...

    capping is good!
  • The only problem is after you get 3-bet you don't know if catching one of your overcards is good enough to win. He could have 2 pair, a set, or even more likely something like AT or JT when you have less outs. Once you get 3-bet you need to play the hand like a normal draw and try to see the last 2 cards as cheaply as possible. This doesn't mean capping is automatically bad, but you're doing it as a free card play, not for value.
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