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Raising pre-flop in LPLLHE [split from: Rama report.]

all_aces wrote:
. I was amazed at what I saw. Seven players to the flop, for one bet each. Huh? What? NOBODY raised??? Startling. Natalie informed me later that the whole night wasn't like that, but I was truly taken aback.

Playing the 2/5 game at rama.

Why raise everyone will stay to see the flop and it costs you money. Joe blow playing the Montana Banana (9,2) will flop two pair and crack your Aces.

I found this game sooooooooooo frustrating.


  • Why raise everyone will stay to see the flop and it costs you money.

    Only when you miss. When your hands do hold up you're taking down monster pots. You're not raising to push people out, that's not happening at 2-5. It's a value raise. If you have AA or KK, AK, etc. you're getting like 6 or 7 to 1 on your raise. I'll take that any day. You will suffer more suckouts, but you're missing bets in the long run if you're not raising those hands. I miss the spread limit games in Vegas where you can REALLY punish those limpers. They limp for a buck, you raise 3 more and they're calling... :)
  • Scooby, I know where your comming from, but I honestly cant agree. Its not that there are one ore two chasers at the 2/5 table but 6 or 7. Nobody folds. Punish the chasers does not work at the 2/5 level. A raise at rama preflop, does not change anything. Everyone stays.  Play AK, flop top pair and top kicker, almost every time someone has two pair. I can't bring myself to play any hand.

    I have played too many times at this level at rama. I just can't do it any more.

    Like AA said, play the 20/40, punish them at that level, at most you have one/two chasers. At this level, I 100% agree.
  • Failing to raise a hand such as AK pre-flop (if it is one bet to you) at Ontario B&M $2-$5 is, I think, a major error.

    This is betting/raising for value at its finest in LPLLHE. :cool:

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Failing to raise a hand such as AK pre-flop (if it is one bet to you) at Ontario B&M $2-$5 is, I think, a major error.

    This is betting/raising for value at its finest in LPLLHE. :cool:


    I did raise preflop with good starting hand. It did not make any difference with number of players that saw the flop.
  • A raise at rama preflop, does not change anything. Everyone stays.

    There is a difference.  You're getting MORE money into the pot when you're a favourite by raising those hands.  Are you advocating limping with hands like AA, KK, AK?  Or folding them preflop?  How is this a better play than raising them?  I understand it's frustrating getting hands cracked by some BS 2 pair, but you're getting tons of dead money from dominated hands preflop, and that simply can't be a bad play IMO.
  • It did not make any difference with number of players that saw the flop.

    I'm not sure about the language here.

    Do you mean to say that raising pre-flop does not tend to drive out players in LPLLHE? I'd certainly agree with that.

    If you meant to say that raising pre-flop does not make any difference in LPLLHE, I would not agree. It does make a difference to your monetary results, even if (or, if you really think about it, especially if) everyone who was planning on calling one bet pre-flop will also call two bets.

    Twice as much money goes into the pot as usual at a time when you probably have the best hand. That's good poker. And it makes a huge difference to your long term results.

  • Always raise with a good starting hand at the 2-5, 5-10 level. The more in the pot, the merrier. Bet the flop and more people will fold. They are chasing their 67o, pocket 2s and other marginal or even really crappy hands. Let them chase. Yes, you will lose 10 or so sometimes, but you'll win a lot more. It works.
  • I agree with the general sentiment here - raise for value in the long run, not to knock marginal hands out PF. For anyone to mention that these folks will eventually bust out and go home is a pet peeve of mine. The part that gets forgotten is that there is an endless supply of these people.

    The loose play exists into the 5-10 level in BM Ontario play. This is exactly why I started playing 10-20 all them years ago. I truly think you need about the same bank roll for 5-10 nowadays as you do for 10-20.
  • Hi there!

    Just went the 2nd time to the Port Perry Casino and played for about 12 hours on a 5/10. Cashout at about +225. I had about +400 but went fishing too much! My fault on that one! :D I agree with the sentiment here. Gotta raise those big hands. The majority of the time, the junks hands people call with don't materialize and that's were you make you're money. Make sure they pay to see these extra cards and not check until it's too late. If you keep the aggressive style from the raise, you will drive people out for sure and get more bang with your buck for big hands. Someone here I believe that playing tight aggressive is pretty good on those tables. Don't play junk hand and let them know do when you raise, you have something good.

    Still a good play to raise those A-K

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