Star Wars III (may contain spoilers)
What did you guys think? Definately the best of the first 3 I raised my eyebrow a few times and was left with some questions, but overall a good flick.
Stuff that bugged me:
-Most of the droid dialouge.
-Wookies doing the tarzan battle cry when swinging.
-"She's lost the will to live" explanation of Pademe's death...just tell us she isn't going to pull through...don't tell us she's dying of a broken heart.
-Timeline. Look at just how much Obi Wan has to age in the 17-18 years between EP III and New Hope..same goes for Uncle Owen and Peru...the woman that picked Luke out of Obi's arms was like 25, then in New Hope she's in her late 50's.
Stuff that bugged me:
-Most of the droid dialouge.
-Wookies doing the tarzan battle cry when swinging.
-"She's lost the will to live" explanation of Pademe's death...just tell us she isn't going to pull through...don't tell us she's dying of a broken heart.
-Timeline. Look at just how much Obi Wan has to age in the 17-18 years between EP III and New Hope..same goes for Uncle Owen and Peru...the woman that picked Luke out of Obi's arms was like 25, then in New Hope she's in her late 50's.
The biggest timeline blunder was at the end.
Timeline- Emperor and Vader are looking out the bridge of a star destroyer at the building of the first death star. Luke and Lea were just born. Put Luke at 19 at episode 3 and it takes that long to build it? I noticed the aging of Obiwan too. He aged at least 30 years in the same time line.
I guess it takes a long time to build a Death Star. When I was young and tried to build one out of Lego, it took me forever. And I didn't have to find a crazy one-eyed monster for my trash compactor.
The only thing that bothered my was Darth Vader's last line, "Noooooooooooooo!!". I actually cringed. It was bad. I loved the movie, I just think they could have lost the yelling.
"Deliver these droids to Captain Antilles. Oh, and wipe this one's memory". (C3P0, no wonder he doesn't remember any of that in IV)
Could have just been better to leave 3P0 out of the prequils and then wouldn't have to have a stupid scene like the above to close out the plot holes.
I also think a lot of the wookies came out of Bob Marley music videos with the hair all braded and beaded. Not what I would have pictured on the wookie planet!
From his was awesome and his favorite.
Darth might as well have been screaming "Stella" at the end...
With respect to the aging issues...based on consumption of Lucky this weekend, I aged at least 5 years in 3 days...
so...maybe Obi Wan drank a lot?
I think my favorite part is when Anikin has Count Dooku mercied and Palpitine says "Finish him." The look on Dookus' face is priceless!!! He's just like, "Finish me? But I"M your apprentice!! Oh crap, I'm dead."
I only wish that someone would have finished off Jar Jar Binks for me. All those lightsabers flashing around the screen and not one hits HM!! Damnit!!!
Also if Anikin/Vader would have REALLY killed Padme, the story would have been more believable. I mean, he slaughtered the younglings, why not take that extra step?
I've seen EP3 twice now, and I'm still happy with it.
Exept for.
Younglings, What the hell.... i mean there kids not younglings. Sounded like they came out of Yoda eggs or something.
How could Anakin not have known that Palpatine was evil, (PALPATINE) - KILL HIM... LEAVE YOUR BEST FRIEND TO DIE....RAAAAAAAAAA.....ok he doesnt say RAAAAAAAAAAA but he might as well.
And the worst, I have the high ground Anakin, dont try anything or i will cut every human limb you still have. How can that be the end of the duel. I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND, I WIN.
On the other side the four armed lighsaber fight was really good.
"Younglings". Surprisinly it is a term to refer to children that is used. It's more British, though. My grandmother, who was born in England, used it. It bothered me then, too. It also helped me explain to my son that Anakin killed a lot of small plants. He didn't need to know about the kids.
And no im not a geek, and only know that because.......
Damm i am a geek
About the movie, when people ask me about it i usually say that im gonna have to see it again to have a definite opinion.
Tough it was pretty funny to picture R2 as a Swiss army knife.
In the move (spoiler) he succumbs because the only man who knows about the power to ressurect is about to be killed.
I have no issue with Padme being the reason he turns, but what about this senario....
Early on in the movie, Anikin and Padme talk about how their love is forebidden and that the Jedi's can never find about about them.
Later on, Yoda and Anikin are talking with Yoda basically mirroring the message presenting in the above scene.
So, the movie seperates from here and the Jedi council discovers the romance (and pregnancy), and seperates Anakin and Padme with the Jedi keeping watch over Padme (after the children might be Jedi's themselves)
In the Jedi's care, Padme goes in to labour, Anikin is unable to get to her in time and dies. Suddenly, Anakin now has about a billion reasons to have a serious hate on for the Jedi and not much else about the story needs to change.
I agree with sloth about the tarzan sounds and the droids all using words stolen from cheezy 80's and early 90's action flicks.
But come on no, one has said anything yet about Yoda kickin some major butt! Go little green guy go!
Also the guy that was the boss of the resort city taken over by the general greivous was a sick make up job.. with those teeth! that was awesome.
Timeline is very screwed, I was thinking that the whole time, and also why oh why didnt Obe Wan go give anakin a little heads off, I mean anakin did just try and kill him. I say finish the job.
Good flick, though.
I turned to the guy in the other couple and we started with the,
"I wub you"
"no, I wub YOU"
"you're Boo-ful"
"no, You're Boo-ful"
"I am only boo-ful cause I WUB you"
I was lost after that exchange. On the other hand, the rows immediately in front of and behind us cracked up at that point.
Has anyone thought about how new generations are going to watch these before watching 4,5,and 6? They're going to know Vader is Luke's father and that's a real spoiler. They'll also know about Obi's little white lie regarding Vader killing Luke's father. Doesn't that just kill the suspense?!