improv comic?

I noticed one of your interests stated "improv comic" really? Do you actually perform around your area?

I find it really intriguing, and I know the stones that are needed to get up there and do that because I was doing it for some extra $$ a few years ago.

I used to live in Whistler B.C...and did a 20 minute set every Tuesday at a bar called "Buffalo Bills" in Whistler village for $50 and a pitcher of beer a night :)

My "career" lasted all of 8 shows before I was after one of my shows where I first learned to play poker with another guy that had been the headliner that night.



  • I have done some stand-up and continue to do the occasional bit of improv. I am a "wacky" morning guy in my other life. Inane chatter interspersed with pop songs, news, and commercials. In contribute the inane chatter.
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