Modest games if your lost in Gatineau (near Ottawa)

3 Small tourney this week-end in Gatineau.

Saturday at 5:30pm Followed by a couple o beer at the pub. :D
20+2 buy-in 300 chips with 1 -20$ rebuy (300) before 1st break and 1- 10$ add-on (150) at the fisrt break. The 2$ extra is the group bounty, anyone who takes out last week champion gets it. If last week champion win, he wins the bounty.

Sunday at 1:00pm 20 dollar buy-in freeze out.

Sunday at 6:00pm 20 dollar buy-in freeze out.

Whe expect at least 10 players per tourney and probably more.

Dont worry about the language barrier, most of us can and will speak english if needed.
And Poker speaks for itself.

I got to first poker tourney in Cornwall about 5 months ago and was pretty nervous at first, my english is at 80%. :) Spoken that is. But in terms of poker, its all the same.

Contact me at

In GATINEAU (Buckingham Sector) Small town so no that hard to find.


  • Really Cornwall you dont say... That my home town where was the tourny I was probably in it...
  • Tourney hosted by a regular at canada's poker forum.

    Ended up one on one with him.

    I think Scotty Z was there. Dont want to give the host name, just in case he doesnt like you. :D

    Whe where 10. Us 2 french guy and 8 more.

    One guy called my bluff 3 times with J high. Almost gave me an heart attack.
  • I think Scotty Z was there.

    Oddly enough, it's possible. 'Twas the one and only tournament I've played in Cornwall. It was a good tournament and all, but I haven't heard of another since. Maybe they just don't like inviting the sharks back into the pool. ;)

    I was the one who was outdrawn for ~94.6% of my chips by a 2-outer on the turn, and then failed to catch my 4-out redraw on the river. C'mon, I was twice as likely to spike it! :)

    Saying "this is not a bad beat story" after telling a bad beat story seems to be in vogue, so... This is not a bad beat story.

  • I ad fun too, but its a 80 minutes drive, so i cant go to Cornwall every week-end.

    I am not the other guy in the bad beat story... :D

    Was so nervous, i dont even remember that hand. Was better after first beer.
  • OK...OK...OK.... I admit it.... It was me sucking out an 8 (if I remember it right) against Scotty's AK (after he flopped 2 pair)... hee.... hee...

    I still have games... tourneys and cash games... PM me if you want any info...
    Maybe they just don't like inviting the sharks back into the pool.

    Hmmm... actually I was pissed at alot of regulars for not showing that night.... don't want to make yuo people drive all the way down here for such a small turnout... the player base is expanding... stay tuned
  • Hey Mickey you from cornwall if so who are you and do u play in any of ther bar games??
  • GoldGlovz wrote:
    Hey Mickey you from cornwall if so who are you and do u play in any of ther bar games??
    Yeah, I'm in Cornwall... I don't play in any bar games... I'm at the casino every Friday night (almost without exception) with my wife, who also plays... I'll actually be there again tonight (Saturday)... PM me with your number and I'll give you a call if your interested in a home game sometime.
  • Hi, I know this post is old, but I was just looking for any posts made about poker in and around Cornwall....anyways, I've been playing poker online but I am looking into playing some live games...if there is anyone that has an extra spot for a rookie, I would like to join.... thanks...I want to play some "cheaper games" before I make my way across the border to try my luck

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