Domain Name Directing Question

ok, it's been quite awhile since i've had my own site, so i kind of need some updated info.

i have one of those freebie sites now, and i have a domain name.
since i'm financially challenged, i'd like to know the best way to get that domain pointing to my freebie site. when people type in my domain, they're automatically redirected to my other site.

any help is great.


  • I believe you have to talk with the people you have your domain name registered with. They should be able redirect it to your free site. Some will charge you for this and some have it free depending on the company.
  • that's kind of what i thought.
    my domain is with melbourneit, and they're not the easiest to get a hold of....

    but thank you
  • True. The domain host does the redirect to your site. You'll have to get them to change it for you.

    A tip: I noticed more spam as soon as I registered a website domain. If you can keep your name and address off the application somehow (which anyone can view by doing a "who is" search on your domain) you'll probably be better off in the long run. Consider getting someone to admin your domain for you. Depending on cost, that is.
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