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WSOP Satellite Vegas

Does anyone know where there are satellites to the WSOP in vegas.
Im sure there are daily events but I cant find anything on the net.



  • yeah, that would be nice, but unfortunately our (canadian) casinos haven't realized how packed their rooms would be if they started offering satellite tourneys.

    the only kind i know of that you are inquiring on is at a casino in chicago...i did a search on the net myself, and found a casino that offers a similar 'step' program to that on party...you start at the $30 level, then $150...then $1000...now i just have to justify going to chi-town for only one apparant reason...i really don't think it will happen.

    good luck!
  • so far the best i can find is that the rio has satelittes running 24hrs up unitl the start of the main event.
    sat events differ some may be NL,limit omaha even duece to seven but all these satelittes are tranferable and can be used for any event.
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