Hi there.. I am new here..

*modified and warned for double post*
warnwarn.gifdouble ad posts in general and in advertising.


  • Sorry I am new here.. and want to make this a home as I know a lot of people here.. What rule did I break? I did not intend to upset anyone at all... Anyhow, like I said I like this site and plan on making this a regular stop

  • Hi Pokerkid1215,

    First of all, welcome to the forum.  If your post was modified or moved, it was probably because it contained something like advertising, even if you didn't mean it to be advertising, or you have no affiliation with the thing you're advertising.

    Basically, if you dislike poker forums that are filled with spam, you came to the right place.  We work very hard to try and keep spamming to a minimum, even if it's not intentional spam.  (Truth be told, I'm not doing very much work on that front lately, but I should be.  Every time I think I know how to move posts/ban people/edit delete etc... they go and change the interface of this site on me, if that's the right word.  I will get around to learning the details of this version soon, in the meantime, my hat's off and my apologies are to the other mods and the admin of this forum.)

    Also, if you post the same (or very similar) things in more than one place, one or both of those threads will be deleted, moved, etc...  When you want to post, just post once, in the place that seems like it's the best fit for your post.  Also, if you think there's even a little chance that your post belongs in the advertising section, then it probably does.

    No harm, no foul, no offense taken or meant.  I believe there is a 'posting guidelines' in the general section of this forum, so you might want to have a look there if you have any more questions.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome... I am here to stay..

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