WE ARE MOVING SOON, We will be switcing forum software in the coming days. I am not sure of the exact time and date but sometime this week. I will do my best to make sure the disruption is as little as possible but the site could be down for a good hour for the move. If you want to know about the new forum sofware please visit this Discussion
Does everyone drive to Atlantic City?
I ran a search for atlantic city and read people are driving down. Has anyone taken plane or train? If my g/f had her license it would be an easy road trip.
When we researched the trip last time, we decided that it is WAY more cost-efficient to carpool down there than to fly or take a train. You're really not saving too much time either, given the length of time you have to wait at the airport for your flight...
Note: that we drove down from Toronto... I don't know where you are, but if you're going from Calgary, I'd suggest not driving
Come ON... you have to know by now where every poster on PokerForum.ca who doesn't feel the need to say where he/she is actually is.
AC doesn't have a major airport, so you're probably flying into New York or Philadelphia then taking a bus to AC.
Greyhound bus is about $237.50 return. That's a bus to NYC and transfer to AC (15 hr trip) If you're going with a group, rent a van and drive. 10 hours direct.
My wife and I are going on vacation in a week to a resort in Pennsylvania - 3.5 hours each way from AC. We might check it out beforehand. She has seen the Borg on TV, and would like to see the place.