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Why you should drink in moderation at the casino.

I'm at Seneca last night playing 3/6 kill Omaha8, killing time until a 2/4 tables opens... I've been ordering my beers cuz Omaha is boring, I'm on an empty stomach cuz I'm gonna go hit the buffet later.. so I've unknowingly become a little hammered..

I land up scooping a pot with A35J the previous hand, so I have the kill button and the stakes are now 6/12.

I look down at my hand and pick up 9TJJ unsuited in LP.I chedk in LP and about 6 to the flop.

Flop comes up 39K rainbow.

Table checks around.

Turn brings a 3.

Table checks around

River brings a 6.

Table checks around.

I say to myself "Well I know I'm beat to shreds by anyone with a K, but rather than muck, I'll show and let the dealer figure out who won'.

I flip over my hand. 99TJ. I look at my cards. "Oh, a set". Lady beside me says "He has a full house!" and I take down a $60ish kill pot with a full house because I misread my hand. This was a very loose passive table, so I figure I threw away close to $100-$150 bucks by not betting.

So kids, the moral of the story: Free alcohol has it's price.


  • but think of the insane value of the image " that guys so tight he won't even bet without the absolute nuts."

    you should have said, i was scared someone had quads.
  • sounds a lot like my first two nights in vegas before i smartened up a bit and decided to save the drinking for the bar and my hotel room. and damn the american beer is so light it feels like you're not getting drunk until it hits you. but then again that happens to me with canadian beer, lol.
  • you should have said, i was scared someone had quads


    I don't know what it is about Omaha... it drives normally disciplined hold'em players to drink.  In my trip to Vegas last year, the only time I was drunk at the tables was during a late-night what-the-hell game of O8. 

    I love that after you misread your hand, you misread it again by declaring a set, and then finally the lady next to you stepped in to straighten you out.  Talk about improving your hand... you went from two pair to a set to a boat AFTER the river card.

    It is true, drinking and poker do not mix.  Usually.
  • God yes. Vegas can be evil with the free drinks though. In general, I feel I can play low limits in my sleep, but that LITERALLY happened during a recent Vegas trip (after a drunken night at Studio 54). You would think after the the dealer had to wake me to act the FIRST time I might have gotten the message and left... :) Thankfully I was only down about 10 bucks playing 2-4 (just blinds mostly), and I proceeded to leave after my 2nd drunken pass-out... Funny how you can get tossed from a bar while drunk, but get seated so quickly in a poker room while in pretty much the same state isn't it?
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