The dream hand... with one small problem

.5/1 NL on Pacific, Hero MP3 with AQo ($140)

2 limpers, hero raises to $5, BB ($16) and MP1 ($140) call.

Flop Ks Jh Th

BB goes all-in $11, MP1 calls, Hero raises to $22, MP1 calls.

Turn Td

MP1 goes all-in $115, hero folds.

River is a blank

MP1 shows KJ
BB shows Q9

I am very upset. Two hands later I flop the nut straight with QT and bust the BB from this hand who had KJ for top 2 pair, but it's only a $90 pot. Go figure. I'm sure there are lots of ways to argue I should have called the turn, like why is he overbetting the pot so much if he has a fullhouse, but the simple fact is players on pacific rarely make sense anyways, though that in itself is a good reason to call I suppose. Oh well... :rage::'(


  • take your skirt off.

  • I dislike your minraise on the flop. Pacific players are your standard calling stations. They're coming along for the ride regardless. Punish them.

    Personally, If you are going to slowplay your hand like you did, you HAVE to be able to fold the hand when a big scare card comes off on the turn and your opponent pushes.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    I dislike your minraise on the flop. Pacific players are your standard calling stations. They're coming along for the ride regardless. Punish them.

    Agreed I misplayed this.
  • BB goes all-in $11, MP1 calls, Hero raises to $22, MP1 calls.

    Better than raising the minimum here would be just calling. If you're trying to trap the active opponent here (which I wouldn't do given the scary board), why raise an insignificant amount?

    Far better than both of these would be putting in a large raise, such as making it around $50 or $60 to go. The pot is already huge relative to the stakes you're playing. It's nearly 30 big blinds, and so, worth playing with no further hassle from the active player. Think about how many scare cards in the deck that will either shut you down, or far worse, help MP1's hand.

    If MP1 wants to call a huge bet while you currently have the nut hand, this should not be a problem either. And you need to give him the opportunity to make this mistake before the opportunity fades.

    In the actual hand, nothing wrong with folding on the river. Again, this reinforces how important it was to either get the money in or get the opponent out when you have the nuts (or a similar monsterous but vulnerable hand) before the scare card hits.

  • BBC Z wrote:
    Pacific players are your standard calling stations. They're coming along for the ride regardless. Punish them.

    really? i only played pacific for a couple weeks, but i made most of my money bluffing people out of pots and occasionally getting paid off on a big hand, this was 1/2 NL, i didn't find them to be calling stations really, maybe it was just my table, like i said, i didnt play there very long.

    As for the OP, I agree with Scotty, there's 2 suited cards out there, so you have to worry about the flush filling AND the board pairing, if you are gonna slowplay and risk it just call and pump on the turn, if not, raise more.
  • The majority players on pacific seem almost brain dead
  • Now that Pokertracker works on Pacific, I may give it another try.

    Still can't multitable though, eh?
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Now that Pokertracker works on Pacific, I may give it another try.

    Still can't multitable though, eh?

    Really when did this happen? I was dreading having to leave Pacific because not getting the data in PT was a big inconvenince. Not being able to multitable is still brutal but the games are soooooooooooo good.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Hork42 wrote:
    Now that Pokertracker works on Pacific, I may give it another try.

    Still can't multitable though, eh?

    Really when did this happen?  I was dreading having to leave Pacific because not getting the data in PT was a big inconvenince.  Not being able to multitable is still brutal but the games are soooooooooooo good.   

    The latest Pokertracker patch has Pacific poker support, along with a hand grabber. I haven't tried it yet, but will be next time I can't find a good table at my usual sites :)

  • Yeah you have to pay $10 for the handgrabber after 1000 hands it seems, but otherwise pretty easy to set up. Looking forward to trying it out later.
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