The WSOP Experience.

Day 1. Started off in Paris Ballroom and it was a relative slow and first couple levels, high point in chips was 70K which was going into the last few levels of the night which did not run great finishing day 1 with 24,500, 2.5 Big Bets into Day 2.

Sat at the same table all day, had some good conversation with a bracelet winner, Jaswinder Lally, who won a Dealers Choice event at the Rio and followed that up the next year with a 2nd place. Really nice guy.

Day 2. Started off with the 2.5 Big bet stack, luckily I had big stacks to my right and shorties to my left and took advantage of that early and stole some blinds in the first orbit. Cant really remember any big confrontations or getting it all in, but heading into 1st break was sitting at 106,000. Too be honest I was just in the zone, Felipe Ramos sat at my table, very funny, very engaging human with about 200K, shortly followed by Michael Mizrachi but really stayed focused. One by one Ramos got KOed, replaced by Jeff Schulman, Got kinda lucky to scoop and KO Grinder, Me (KxKxQxJx) vs his (Ax2x3x10x) on a J 10 3 flop. Turn came a 6 and the money went in, river K. His stack before the hand was 3 BBs so it wasnt a crazy risk for me on that board.

Went into that break with 351,000.

Entered last 2 hours of the night, just played solid. Got frisky with the premium holding of 235J double suited in the cut off and called by AxAx apparently... but flop ran out A 4 8. Turn 10, 3 bets in there, river 5. Wheel got me the scoop. Just played til we were down to 24 and we had redraw for the last 10 minutes of the day, nothing really happened there and I bagged 1,120,000 into day 3 with 22 players left.

Day 3. Was excited, maybe a little nervous thinking about it now but nothing crazy. I was 9th in chips and felt very good going into the day. Few hands not noted on the site. Started off in a big pot early, on the button with AhKh24 - 3 bets pre. 5 handed flop came K 8 4 1 heart. Turn 2. 2 bets to me and had to fold. Next really notable one was with Lewis Brant. I was dealt Ac 3h 4h 6c. Flop 2c 5h 7h. Turn 9c (4 bets in on the turn) river Ks. Check-Check. He showed down Ah 10c 8c 3s. 3/4rd with A10 high-same low. After that was card dead, couple spots I got quarter with same lows before the KK hand to James Chen.

12th place in Event #4.

Overall im happy with my play over the 3 days and I've been told by lots of people its a run of a lifetime and ya its cool but I can tell you one thing. I ain't done! (Well maybe for 2024). Im getting to one of those final tables in due time! Being that close has only motivated more.

I will be back ;)



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