First online final table

Played in Pacifics daily 30k garunteed. $33+3. Finished 5th out of the 806 registered! A nice pay of $1500!

By end I was more just waiting for the shortstakes to blind out as I wasnt getting the cards nor did I have the stack to be making moves. I'll post some of the big hands tommorow.


  • congrats
  • Nice work, looking forward to a report.

  • Good job. Congratos!
  • Thanks!!

    Sadly with Pacific I don't think there is a way to get hand history copied.

    But a few hands were doubling up with AA just before the final table moving me to about 7th.

    Then with 7 people left, I was put all in from the blinds with 56 spade and pulled amazing 5 5 on turn and river. Which ended up moving me up $600 in the prize pool.

    There were a few hands I laid down when I thought for sure the button/sb was trying to steal but there were low stacks that would be pushed in by the blinds within the orbit so I laid them down. I guess I wasnt playing for the win.
  • Soup66 wrote:
    Played in Pacifics daily 30k garunteed. $33+3. Finished 5th out of the 806 registered! A nice pay of $1500!

    By end I was more just waiting for the shortstakes to blind out as I wasnt getting the cards nor did I have the stack to be making moves. I'll post some of the big hands tommorow.
    nice :)
  • I just played the same tournament again.

    I went from pretty much out, to 7th place doubling then trippling up.

    Made it to 29th and this is the dirty hand I went out on.

    Blinds 1,500//3,000

    Hero ($10,000) Player A ($125k) Player B ($55k)

    I'm UTG with AQh, I push which is an obvious move. Player A reraises to isolate me up to 20k with AsJc. Player B calls with 8h8s (how do you feel about this move, risking that much of his stack into a raise and reraise with mid pockets??)

    flop comes 8d Qd 2d

    I figure I'm ahead here and feeling strong, they are doing min bets at this point.

    turn 4D so I figure I've lost to the flush, river is brick.

    So I ended up busting out to 88 when the player I had DOMINATED tried to isolate me! Annoying losing to that!

    Still placed 29th out of 874 entrants, $210 payout for $33 investment!
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