Calcutators. Are they any good?
Just trying to find out if the texas hold'em " Texas Calculatem " is any good?
Anyone have an opinion?
*edited request for warez*
Anyone have an opinion?
*edited request for warez*
I wasn't a fan of the texas calculatem. Take some time and memorize the more common odds, then learn how to calculate odds. It will take some practice, but well worth it in the long run.
Can't take Texas Calculatem to the casino or home poker nights...
I was just wondering if this would help my on-line game any right now.
I want to make sure I understand your situation correctly. You think you might need this program because you are only making the top 5 about 80% of the time in a 50-100 player tourney. Boy oh boy, that sure is a big problem...if you are playing in rebuy tourneys and are rebuying 50-100 times per tourney. Geez, if I had this problem, I would probably be going nuts trying to figure out where I was going to spend all my winnings. I would like to see your poker records showing just how bad your problem is here. My guess is you do not keep accurate records, if you keep records at all.
I like to think I am a tolerant person, but this story smells so bad of b.s. that I just have to comment. I find it insulting that you would expect the members of this forum(whom I consider very intelligent about the game as a whole) to believe this crap. If you can prove me wrong, I will make the most humble apology to you right here on the forum.
I see the problem.. You spend so much time counting your money from all those MTT wins that you dont have the time to figure out the odds for your flish draw...
A cool trick i learnt for odds is this;
Find out how many outs you have.
If after the flop ( IE 2 cards to come ). multiply your odds by 4. Thats your percent to hit.
If after the turn ( 1 card to come ) multiply your odds by 2. " "
It isn't EXACT, normally its off 1-2%. But personally i dont think the 1-2% matter. Pot odds, all that, is to give you an idea of whether or not its a good call. If your pot odds are off by 2% one way or another, its probably not gonna change your call.