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Low Limit B&M Tourneys

what ive found from playing in a few of these low limit tourneys is that i find many people at the table are usually found saying things like.."Oh my god, Limit sucks, this is gonna be such a crap shoot"..or "I wish it were NL".. or.. "limit takes no skill". Somehow I couldnt get myself to agree that it wasnt skillfull or that it was a craphshoot. I find that you needed qualitty cards more times than not...definately more than NL. I also found that extracting more money from tougher players takes more skill as well. I dont love NL tourneys dont get me wrong. I was just wondering what everyone else thought about Low ..Limit holdem tourneys. I for one find them refreshing and dont mind joining them at all.


  • I for one think Limit Hold'em takes more skill, and doesn't allow you to get busted out with one bad draw. You have to win a lot more hands, but don't have the risk of someone hitting runner-runner to knock you out. A loss like that in limit might take a good chunk of your stack, but you're still in the game. In the end, good smart play will pay off over the long term.
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