How do I get out of this hand?

I have QJ d in the big blind and it's going to be about 5 players because no one has raised. The flop is J 2 J, I raise 3. Three guys fold and one guy left he says I am all in. He has about 5 more than I do so I say I call, knowing that it would put me about middle of the table in chips. It is a cash game if that changes things in anyone's mind. He flips over a pair of 2's. No help on the turn over river. Is there any way I could have gotten out of this? I put him on a pocket pair but not two's.

Frustrated with poker this week!!!


  • The chips have to be very deep in order to get away from this.
  • It is a cash game
    Changes everything.
    I'll call this every time J,2,J flop, u can't put him on 2s
    Only way I might get away is if the pot is like 15$ and he pushes all in for like 300$
  • thanks for your thoughts!
  • I guess it depends on what kind of cards he could play. This may depend on his position as well.

    I see a few choices:
    * He is bluffing with complete garbage. You win.
    * He thinks you are bluffing. Maybe he has overcards. You win.
    * He has a J. Maybe with a better kicker. Maybe not. AJ or KJ mean you are in trouble. Likely you win.
    * He has a 2. Hard to say what kind of hand he'd be playing then. Maybe suited? Likely you win.
    * He has a pocket pair, not 2s. Most likely TT or less since he didn't raise pre-flop? You win. Even with a big pp you win!
    * He has 2s. You are in big trouble if you don't hit a J, Q or runner-runner for a pair.

    Put it all together. It looks like it would be very hard to lay this down. You'd have to use your knowledge of the player or any physical tells before you'd even consider throwing this one away.
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