Fast Company

I just read a really cool book called "Fast Company" by Bradshaw (I think) ... Anyway thought I would give a little review on the book.

Basically it covers 6 gamblers that "dont lose". They were: Puggy Pearson, Bobby Riggs, Minnesota Fats, XXX, Johnny Moss and Titanic Thompson where XXX is the backgammon player I can't remember. :)

Anyway it was cool as it was written in 1975 when some of these guys were at the top of their game (Moss excluded). It was interesting to hear some of the stories especially the cons that puggy and thompson pulled off, the big bets and games moss made and how much of an idiot minnesota fats was.

Anyway if you want a book to read for fun about gambling I suggest this one ... it is dated (as I said 1975) but it was republished in 2003-4 (something like that) as I got my copy at Chapters.


  • I also enjoyed both of Michael Konik's books about gambling, "The Man With the $100,000 Breasts: and Other Gambling Stories" and "Telling Lies and Getting Paid: Gambling Stories".

    These books are short stories about general gambling, but there is quite a bit of poker specifically in the books, maybe around 1/3 to 1/2 of each book. The second book contains an interesting account of his entry into a WSOP main event.

  • In the johnny moss section "Fast Company" talks about the 1973 WSOP which interestingly enough was won by Puggy Pearson (and it wasn't covered in Puggys section). The book seems to imply that if Moss wasn't so old and tired he probably would have won in 1973 .. but that is pure speculation.

    Fact is Johnny came back in 1974 and won it again ...
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