March 9th - Cash Game - Kitchener

Where : Woogs Gambling Hall
When : March 9th
What : Mixed Games (More than 2 Hole Cards)
Time : 7pm
Blinds/Buyin: .50/.50 with max buyin 100

Let's get together unwind from the week and play some cards. We will limit the game to games people are comfortable with.

As always I will limit the players to players I've played with previously and feel comfortable with.

Let me know any questions/concerns.

1. Woog30
2. Bfillmaff 830
3. Moose
4. Seekthegrail
5. JacNok
6. TorontoTableCpt
7. Joey A - Possibly late
8. Peteski - Late
9. Shtebs - Late
10. Moose311 11


  • Yes! Count me in around 830.
  • Sign me up! Cheers, Steve
  • In please.
  • I can come around 11 after the hockey game, so add me to the bottom of the list, and if you fill up, just knock me off the list (or to a waitlist).
  • Wish I could make it but can't that weekend.

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  • Any fence sitters, a night of cards and unwinding from a long week. I'll even let you try to put a bad beat on me. Lol
  • What else are you going to do on a snowy, wintery night. Sign up and put a bad beat on...
  • I would like to play please. I don't know if we've
    played together before but Moose, Seekthegrail
    and Jacnok know me. They can vouch for me.
    If that's sufficient, could you please DM me
    the address? Thank you.
  • Consider yourself vouched! Cheers, Steve
    Shtebs wrote: »
    I would like to play please. I don't know if we've
    played together before but Moose, Seekthegrail
    and Jacnok know me. They can vouch for me.
    If that's sufficient, could you please DM me
    the address? Thank you.
  • Consider yourself vouched! Cheers, Steve

    Thank you fellow Steve. Much appreciated.
  • I am in, but I will be at least an hour late
  • peteski wrote: »
    I am in, but I will be at least an hour late

    If I get the invite and address I will also be a bit late. I have to put my daughter to bed first.
  • Pm coming now
  • Eating wings. Will be a little late
  • Glad it filled up, see you guys tonight. Looking like closer to 9pm for me.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out.
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