Moose TPC - 50k HORSE Tourney

TPC - The Players Championship

2 Day HORSE Tourney


*** $50 ***


All players paid by 6:50 pm, will receive 50k
Late players will receive, 45k - for an optional $5 to the house, you will receive a full 50k stack.

Structure will follow the WSOP $50K Players Championship blinds

Fri: 5, one hour levels
Sat: 50 min levels, reducing by 10 min every five levels.

Late players will not be admitted to the tourney after the first blind level, 8:00 pm, unless prior arrangements are made with the host.

There will be a 45 min dinner break on Sat.

24 max

1. moose
2. Bfillmaff t
3. STG
4. Kwmatt
5. Moose311


  • cool.

    T for now, will try to line this up.
  • Moose TPC - 50k HORSE Tourney
    TPC - The Players Championship

    2 Day HORSE Tourney


    *** $50 ***

    FRI OCT. 13 - 7 pm to 12 am
    Play resumes SAT. OCT. 14 - 1 pm

    Rob, I would love to attend this tournament, but I am leaving the country the day before (providing all my visa and other paperwork goes through)

    Have fun, will be thinking about you as I travel.

  • In! A 2 day tourney! Sweet!
  • Have fun Brent.
  • Oops just realized I am in Kingston this weekend so this tourney will be postponed to a later date.
  • moose wrote: »
    Oops just realized I am in Kingston this weekend so this tourney will be postponed to a later date.

    wow, my paper work has been delayed for now, I was coming on here to sign up. :-[:-[:-[
  • Feck...

    That's like the third thing I had to turn down this weekend... sorry Moose

  • No worries. I will find a different weekend.
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