Moose - Cambridge - Cash Games to end of March



  • Sorry Moose, can't make it tonight either.
  • In all seriousness I don't appreciate these last minute cancellations. Both of the last two games were full and then both times, the day before and the day of, there were many cancellations.

    When the game is full I don't solicit more players via email or meetup. The rest of the players are coming expecting a full game and you don't leave me any chance to replace you. If you can't make it don't sign up and if you ask to be in the game then make a commitment to show up as expected.

    When the game is full I arrange for a dealer for the benefit of the players and it is not fair to the dealer either to show up to the game and not make a decent evening in tips.
  • running behind but en route, 9-930
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